My first grow - Opinions please?


Active Member
First, here's my "setup".

I have a humidifier that blows on the plants, it keeps the temps down, keeps air moving to promote stem growth, and keeps the humidity up.

This is my "prized" plant:

1) Do you think it's time to upgrade her to a larger container? Her diameter is currently growing outside the diameter of the cup.
2) I'm about to begin neutrient suppliments in the water. I'm going to do 1/2 the typical dose until she's large and strong. Does my timing seem about correct?

Any other helpful comments?

Locked Up

Well-Known Member
It looks good for a first grow.
I would leave her in there a bit longer but that's just me, also I would start at 1/4 strength nutes for about a week and then do 1/2.

Good luck with them :peace:


i like the set up, its similar to the one i have, though, i wouldn't use transparent cups, you want the roots to have a dark natural environment in the soil...i would transplant them in a larger countainer...ehat kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
Thanks! It's been a bit of trial and error. I killed 3 seedlings prior to these successes, the seedlings were too hot (90+deg) and had less than 10% humiditiy. Now that the temps are lower, the humiditiy is higher, we're doing good!


Active Member
Heres a picture of the light fixtures I purchased. 4 of these:

I replaced the 7800k bulbs it came with however. Replaced with 6500k. My first attempt with those 3 plants that died on me were under 7800k.