My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power


Well-Known Member
Transplanted 5 Purple Kush plants and put in closet under fluorescent lights on 18/6 cycle.
Plants look good. Two plants in the back right corner were drooping. Look like they didn’t have enough water. Watered all plants at 12AM.
Plants look good. Some of the fan leaves are starting to turn yellow. I gave them water at 7PM.
Found out today I have been watering my plants with water that contained a PH of 8.5. Also that they have nitro deficiency. Keeping a close eye on them.
Watered each plant at 11:15PM. Water had 7ml/gal of nutes and PH of 6.5. PPM of water was 450.

I will post pictures tomorrow.

Also yesterday i bought this...DIGITAL AIR COOLED GROW LIGHT 600 watt HPS 600w BALLAST - eBay (item 160218710567 end time Mar-24-08 10:55:10 PDT)
also this...GrowBright 600 watt MH Conversion Bulb Metal Halide hps - eBay (item 180190792057 end time Apr-05-08 08:36:40 PDT)


Well-Known Member
yeah i have been. i installed two cpu fans and added a big lasko 18" to keep the temp cooler. i keep the lasko outside the closet blowing cool air inside. right now its been staying about 80-84 when lights on and 72-77 when off. below is a pic of my setup.


Well-Known Member
Watered each plant around 9PM. 5ML of calmag plus. 10ml of PBPGrow. 5ML of Liquid Karma. PPM of water was 860. Will post more picture tomorrow... You guys think i used too much nutes???


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures i took today... They are 2 weeks old today from transplant. How do you think they look? Are they small for 2 weeks??? Some opinions please. Dont be shy.....



Well-Known Member
Watered plants at 1AM cause leaves were starting to wilt. Plants look good now. Are getting real bushy. More pics to come tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Watered each plant at 12:30AM because leaves were wilting. 6ml of calmag plus. 15ml of PBPGrow. 7ml of Liquid Karma. Don’t know PPM. Meter broke.


Well-Known Member
I like that lighting set up. Very neat looking. I hate seeing it all messy in peoples boxes. Your clones look like they have a lot of spots for growth to start, very good. Keep up the great work man.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. i try to keep things neat. the past 2 nights my leaves have been wilting. im not quite sure why though. last night they were wilting i figured it was becuase they needed to be watered and it was about time for another watering so i watered them with some nuted and ph'd water. this morning when i woke up everything looked fine. then tonight at about 12 i looked at them and the leaves were wilting again. anyone have any opinions on what could be wrong?


Well-Known Member
Hey man nice grow! I want to get some Pk too but damn bluesky always sells out.
The plants drooping at night before lights off is common, it's probably not from them being thirsty.
A lot of times mine will look droopy at night, but be perked back up in the morning, I guess the plants know when its time for night so they don't waste energy staying all perked up towards the light.
I would only be concerned about them being under watered if they looked like that at night, and then again in the morning, but I'm pretty sure they will always perk back up in the morning.


Well-Known Member
thanks. yeah i think that is what it is because this morning when i wokr up they were perked back up and i didnt water them. so i guess they just know when its time to rest. and blue sky does sell out fast. i had to go between 9 and 10 to get some. if you go any later than that you'll be out of luck...


Well-Known Member
So I got my 600w HPS yesterday from HTG. Digital ballast, air cooled hood, HPS bulb and MH conversion bulb. I set it up today and put the plants under it including a new White widow plant i got from my uncle. Hopefully they will like the new HPS and grow like crazy! Ill take some pictures as soon as i get my camera back....


Well-Known Member
Damn man that sounds nice, get some pics up asap!
I'm looking into possibly getting a bigger lighting system, so I wanna check yours out, for sure.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using? luckily i was able to get to blue sky on time before they sold out of pk, i got 3 , they look droopy at the moment i hope theyll recover soon i already transplanted them into 3gallon pots


Well-Known Member
i dont remember the name of the soil. i got it from armstrong garden center. the guy was cool and told me which soil was the best for growing weed. i just added some perilite to it. my uncle still has the bag that it came in. when i get it from him ill tell you the name of it.


Well-Known Member
are those t5 fluoros?? and how did you get mylar so stretched out im havin trouble in my closet makin it so flat....


Well-Known Member
are those t5 fluoros?? and how did you get mylar so stretched out im havin trouble in my closet makin it so flat....
No they arent t5's. They are 15w t8's. and the mylar i just measured and cut it to fit and used stanley stapler that i bought from Lowe's. thats all. just took my time and tried to make it as neat as possible.


Well-Known Member
I watered my plants again tonight. 15ml of PBPGrow. 10ml of Liquid Karma. PPM was 1050. This is my last week of veg. I THINK going to start flowering next wednesday.