My first grow, Purple Kush


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i just stumbled upon this sight and decided that i might share my first grow wit u guys and see what you have to say. First a little background; Im from vancouver and 20 yrs old, i been smokin buds since i was 13 and have developed into quite the bud connoisseur (if i may say so myself). I've always wanted to grow so i decided there's no time like the present. I bought Jorge Cervantes marijuana horticulture and read it, amazing book. I got one 1000w High Pressure Sodium light over a sea of green of 50 Purple Kush clones, in half gallon square pots. I am currently in 8th week of flowering, just about to crop. I went 100% organic nutrients (Botanicare Pureblend veg/flowering formula) and kept the ph at 6.2 when vegging and 5.9-6 in flowering. I've got 6 inch ducting running from the top of the room down to a intake fan and out of the room and into a carbon can, and one oscillating fan.

Problems with my first grow:
As this is my first grow i had a few problems and dealt with them accordingly. My first problem was the leaf fringes were curling up during veging ( i only veged for 2 weeks ) and i realized that i was overfeeding my plants, and that my feeding schedual was a bit off. After i noticed the problem i flushed them with pure water and adjusted my feeding levels.
The next issue was flowering over fertilizing during early flowering with the leaves curling down, which i fixed by adjusting the nutrient levels again.
The third major problem i had was light burn. I left the plant for a couple days and assumed my room mates could tell if anything went wrong, but they couldn't. Almost all the plants suffered some degree of burn, so i had to move the 1000w light up to about 18 inches from the top of the canopy. I caught it early so nothing much was affected.
After this point everything was going well until late in flowering (beginning 7th week) i realized i had a powdery mildew problem. I didnt recognize the white powdery substance as mildew right away, but after it had spread to almost 75% of the plants (lower canopy only) i realized i had to take action. The problem was my temp was dropping too low (at some points 90-60 degrees, huge drop) and the RH was getting too high. The first thing i did was fully adjust the venting so that constant and good airflow filled the room, this stableized the high temp dropping it to no higher than 84-86, then i timed a heater to come on as soon as the lights went off the keep temp above 70 during the night. Ofcourse this alone did not get rid of the mildew, so i bought Potassiam Bicarbonate to spray them with because it is a safe chemical to spray even up to the day of harvest and leaves no taste in the buds. Still until today the powerdy mildew isnt fully gone but ive only sprayed twice, so im confident it will dissapear before harvest.

Ways i fucked up: 1. my pH stick was over 100$ and i was stupid not to calibrate it almost ever, and had my PH wrong probably many times
2. Poor temperature control: must keep temp not fluctuating more than 15 F
3. Poor watering technique ( had no resevoir did gallon runs from the sink )
4. Bad feeding schedual ( the schedual i had was much to strong for young plants)
5. Not keeping a close enough eye on fungal potential

Other than that the plants look healthy and potent as fuck! The kush smell is delicious.

Question: one interesting thing about my garden was i had 40 clones ( just rooted in rockwool ) and 10 1-week old plants which were considerably larger than the clones in the beginning. The funny thing is that the 40 small clones grew bigger than the older week olds, and we the week-olds grew stranger, looser buds with weird leaves of only 1-3 subleaves that curled down as if over fertilized. Does anyone know why the would react in such a strange way ?? Let me know your thoughts on my show!! Would love feedback!!

Here are some photos from 1st week flower, and 6th week flower, and i will get more photos right before and after harvest. Thanks for reading!!

damn i cant figure out how to insert photos.. can anyone tell me :? sorry stoned!


Well-Known Member
fuck i would ask you who you got them from but it sounds heaty lol pm if you got the from sam or asohn (sp?)


Well-Known Member
lol id love to help u out but it a bit 2 heaty, i barely knew the guy i got them from.. a buddy did me a favor, sorry chief!
you grew them in soil or hyrdoponically?

im starting off also and i want to grow nothing but purple kush!! any help would b greatly apreciated...from 1 veteran weed smoker to another lol


Well-Known Member
They look sticky icky man lol. I have a batch of AK goin right now. havent seen purple urple before thanks for the photos on the other page.