My First Grow (Q/A please)


Active Member
Im about to set up my first grow. Its indoors in my unused attic ive done a little research but some pointers would be good so please anything is good

Im gonna find a corner of the attic and lay down some tin foil im going to secure a ballast with a 400w hps light at an adjustable hight, im gonna get a 2/4 pot Hydroponic station and a fan to circulate the air

Im gonna put the timer for the fan and the light to work 18 hours a day and change the water for the tank and feed the plant weekly

my ownly questions are

How much does each item cost?
Is an 18 hour cycle the right choice?
Do i put the seeds straight in the pot and if not why?
Are these the only things i really need with out going to too much expense?

Any Pointers would be good as i am hoping for some christmas cash to get it going

Thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
Attic are hot. Ya want to check the temps up there. Ya put a light in and it will be hotter. Ya want to do a soil grow first. Its easier and cheaper.


Well-Known Member
ok here i go...... im a newb as well but you are fresher than i
your light is gonna be 140 with shipping at the cheapest. you dont want tin foil at all you want mylar. 18 hours is fine 24 is fine too but may produce more males. i used 24 and mines a girl. anyway you want to germ the seeds in a damp paper towel in a warm area and maybe even in a container to retain moisture. you can put the seeds directly in but it will take longer. i dont know how much a hydro kit is because i grow organically. but im sure they are expensive if you dont build your own. since you are a first timer you may want to start with soil....if you think you can do it go right ahead , i am not going to be a nay sayer. but i think you will end up spending probably about 400-600 dollars in total if you shop effectively and want to set up stuff like ventilation fans, carbon filter etc.

alright dude remember its a weed. it will grow. no need to get overly analitical first time around. have fun and good luck


Active Member
Cheers man i was wandering if i could maybe use a normal filliment light bulb or maybe 4 or 5 40w bulbs on a 24/7 cycle instead of a 400w bulb on 18/6?


Well-Known Member
can but make sure you have the correct kind of light and the right spectrums.

you want compact florescents. 6500k(light spectrum) for vegging you can get 26watter and 42 watter. and then 2700k bulbs for flowering.

if you want a decent crop youll have to get quite a few.
in my personal opinion (you can disreguard it if you want) i think a 150 watt hps will b right for you . start with 2 plants and take it from there. no need to get all gung ho first time round. get some experience and then EXPLODE!!!!!