My first grow! questions for you within


Well-Known Member
I would transplant both into their final container. If plant 1 is the one at day 20 it is very stunted. Did you top plant 2?


Active Member
I would transplant both into their final container. If plant 1 is the one at day 20 it is very stunted. Did you top plant 2?
Plant 1 is in its final container, I don't want it to get very big. I topped it pretty early, chopped the 3rd node off. 3rd node! I should of waited chopped the 4th off probably.. I think it's really stunted because it got burnt so young & I topped it so soon, I was told it was ballsy. haha. But it's doing good now though since its in the new pot and getting more light.

Plant #2 is 8 days from breaking ground I will probably top after 3rd node. I'll transplant it tomorrow to its final pot. It hasn't had any stress compared to plant 1, no burn, no topping yet, it's pretty short anyway. I started it in the yogurt cup & started plant 1 in a smaller cup, then transplanted it to the yogurt cup & finally to the one its in now.


Well-Known Member
What size is your final container and why are you topping so early? I guess there's nothing wrong with it, but I would want the plants to be strong before I started stressing them.


Active Member
Final containers are only like 8 inches, my space is pretty limited.. I'm aiming for pretty small plants (1-2ft). In retrospect though I should of topped it later, but its doing good now and the only extra stress i plan to add is LST.
Transplanted plant#2 today to an 8 inch pot and it was just starting to get rootbound, roots at the bottom but not climbing the side.
Plant #2 will definitely be the stronger plant due to reduced stress and more light from a younger age.
I know plant #1 is highly stressed but like I said before, I'm going to keep it going in hopes of a female and incase plant#2 is a male.

First feeding of compost tea is coming up in 2 days. i'm gonna mix the tea with water though and keep it light.
This should be good for my plants right?


Active Member
my ethernet cable is broken so no internet on my pc currently, I'm using the living room pc. Not sure how much i'll be bringing updates for awhile.
plant #2 is topped but i kinda fimmed i think i missed.


Active Member
Understandable. FIM has its name for a reason!
And the pictures are great. I love to see the plant for myself.
That sucks about the internet.
Also, the plants look great! Nice, green and reaching toward the sun.


Active Member
Edit: Found a pic I forgot to post from June 20, the day I fimmed the 2nd plant. the pic is pre-FIM tho lol.
2012-06-20 01.02.34.jpg

I got myself a new ethernet cable. :D

and here's some pics, moved my plants to a rubbermaid painted white inside now. :)
June 23, Day 32 plant 1, Day 20 of 12-12, Day 20 plant#2. Should I start seeing pre-sexing now?
2012-06-23 23.49.03.jpg 2012-06-23 23.49.21.jpg
2012-06-23 23.49.35.jpg

Here's an upclose of the FIM, Is it showing male pre-sex or just still recovering from the FIM and not grown out yet? it's only been 3 days since FIM. 2012-06-23 23.50.28.jpg


Active Member
Understandable. FIM has its name for a reason!
And the pictures are great. I love to see the plant for myself.
That sucks about the internet.
Also, the plants look great! Nice, green and reaching toward the sun.
Thanks, I'm glad to serve the community with a noob grow to watch, see how it goes and progresses for me. Got my ethernet cable already(couldn't go without internet). lol

Edit: Man, It's awesome to see how fast they've grown in 3 days, then in 7 days just scrolling down page 3.


yo!, healthy looking plants. good werk.
the last photo in your last post is a female for sure (see attached pic) , cant tell in the other photos,
2012-06-23 23.50.28lol.jpg


Active Member
Did some trimming the other day, removed the lower growth on both plants.
Today I did LST and it's perking right back up already. :D
June 25, Day 34, Day 22 of 12-12, day 22 plant#2
2012-06-26 02.18.12.jpg2012-06-26 02.18.24.jpg

Here's plant #2 it's looking good too after trimming its a bit slimmed down though.
2012-06-26 02.18.02.jpg


Well-Known Member
repp what did i tell u about LST, its meant for plants that are in vegging! the whole point is to redistribute the auxins (growth hormones) laterally to the other nodes so that you will have more flowering sites when u go into 12/12.... your supposed to let ur plant finish growing these sites BEFORE flowering.... right now your stems are quickly hardening off and its pretty much to late to reap the real benefits of LST imho.

tips for when you do LST, you should always leave your plant tied down, if you untie it the plant will quickly start to grow back to its orginial postion. also you should bend the main stalk to 90 degree's but never all at once.. pull ur stalk down maybe 20-30 degrees, than after it grows into that postion do another 20-30 degress and so on untill u can comfortably get to 90 degrees. try to do it all at once and u will stress the hell out of the main stalk if not break it.

i actually use a method of placing weights on a hook, they each weigh very little so i have very precise control... i bend the stalk to a comfortable angle, than set up the weights as a type of counterbalance... it all sounds complicated but its actually very intutive when you are doing it youself... i kind of imagine it as weight lifting for cannabis xD


Active Member
repp what did i tell u about LST, its meant for plants that are in vegging! the whole point is to redistribute the auxins (growth hormones) laterally to the other nodes so that you will have more flowering sites when u go into 12/12.... your supposed to let ur plant finish growing these sites BEFORE flowering.... right now your stems are quickly hardening off and its pretty much to late to reap the real benefits of LST imho.

tips for when you do LST, you should always leave your plant tied down, if you untie it the plant will quickly start to grow back to its orginial postion. also you should bend the main stalk to 90 degree's but never all at once.. pull ur stalk down maybe 20-30 degrees, than after it grows into that postion do another 20-30 degress and so on untill u can comfortably get to 90 degrees. try to do it all at once and u will stress the hell out of the main stalk if not break it.

i actually use a method of placing weights on a hook, they each weigh very little so i have very precise control... i bend the stalk to a comfortable angle, than set up the weights as a type of counterbalance... it all sounds complicated but its actually very intutive when you are doing it youself... i kind of imagine it as weight lifting for cannabis xD
Yeah, it's been in 12-12 for alot of days and already starting to presex. so the time gap of availability for LST is closing. I'm hoping to do all of my LST in 2-3 steps.
How long should i wait between tie-downs? my friend also recommended the weight tie-down and might bring me some fishing weights to use.
The bigger one seems comfortable it perked up toward the light quite a bit in just 1 day.

Glad you came through to check it out bro.