My First Grow/Setup

Alright, I have been on this site for sometime now and finally started to make my own little setup and have my own grow journal.

Lights- 2, 26 Watt CFL's

Soil- MG Potting Soil

Seeds- I just got all these seeds from a bag of weed i had that was pretty good.

Im going to run the lights 18/6 because that has what i have found to be the general consensus from all the growers on here.

I hope some people subscribe and help me because i need as much as i can get.

All the seeds have been germinated already and are in the soil.

Few questions:

how close should the lights be to the seeds?

how often should i be watering?

Thanks in advance everyone!bongsmilie:eyesmoke::bigjoint:


The two that are already growing are about 5 days old. They were just growing on natural sunlight until i mad this setup.


Well-Known Member
I have not grown with CFL's, but have used T5's for sprouting. I kept the fixture about 6" from the sprouting pots. CFL's tend to stay even cooler, so they can be very close before they start to cause stress or damage. 3" to 6" should work well. Too far away from the lights and you will have your plants stretch. Just watch for signs of heat stress and you will get it right pretty quick.

18/6 is fine for sprouts. There are some claims that 24/0 will help them grow quicker, but I have not personally seen that realized. 18/6 for 20-30 days (I flower when the plant is 10"-12"), then 12/12 is my lighting regimen.

When growing in soil, I always just picked the pots up. If they were light, I watered...heavy and I would leave them alone. Never had an issue doing it this way. Also, I would keep fertilizers and stuff away from your seedlings until they are a few weeks mature. The MG should have enough heat in it that you should not see any deficiencies for at least 30 days.
Thanks for the advice! It was much needed.

How come the 2 that have already sprouted are so tall and skinny? They haven't had any light source but the sun. Is that why? Everybody else's sprouts seem to be a lot shorter.....


bud bootlegger
i would say add a couple tablespoons of dolemite lime to that mg soil to help buffer the ph some.. a lot of the peps who have problems with mg don't add the lime to it and than have all kinds of ph problems with it, but if you go ahead and add the lime, mg can give you some good results..
it seems like the couple of cfls are ok for veg, but you will need alot more lumens to get some nice buds out of.. htgsupply has some really cheap lamps that you could pickup and do wonders for your grow..
should i buy a fan yet? the room is a pretty good temp, its an outside closet on my porch. i live in Florida and right now the temp outside is mid to high 70's.

and what type of digital thermometer do i see people always using? where do i get one of those? i know i need one.
Here is some new pics from day 4.

I have decided that I'm going to use this box/setup till im done with my new stealth box. It will be made out of an old kitchen cabinet. Hopefully i will be able to have 2 or 3 girls out of this bunch.

Im going to have 6 more cfls in the stealth box until its time for flowering.

Theres no up close pictures because my camera in a piece of shit. I feel like they are too skinny or is it just me worrying?

Theres also a pic of where the setup is located outside in my porch closet.

One of the plants died from soil transfer. It's the one more toward the middle in the pics. So now I am down to 8 plants.


Well, it's day 19 and i have only had a couple of small problems.

I decided to grow a stealth box, and i will post pics of that once she looks pretty. :)

My plants looks decent to me, they have small color changes to the bottom leaves, what could that be? Also, i let my light touch one of them when i was moving them around and it burnt the shit out of it! there's pics below.

Tell me what you guys think!

When should i start flowering?


There is 2 pics of every plant, so every 2 pictures is one plant.

Am i doing anything wrong?



Well-Known Member
Okay, 1st of all, u need a fan blowing on them at all times or at least when lights are on.
2nd ur gonna need more lighting.
3rd looks like ur soil is way too moist as someone has explained only water when u feel the pots are very light, you wanna dry the shit outta them before there next watering.
Also you want to start thinking about transplanting them into bigger pots.
As for ferts i would plant them into bigger pots and feed them 1/4 strength a couple days later. What will you be feeding them?
Okay, 1st of all, u need a fan blowing on them at all times or at least when lights are on.
2nd ur gonna need more lighting.
3rd looks like ur soil is way too moist as someone has explained only water when u feel the pots are very light, you wanna dry the shit outta them before there next watering.
Also you want to start thinking about transplanting them into bigger pots.
As for ferts i would plant them into bigger pots and feed them 1/4 strength a couple days later. What will you be feeding them?
I do have a fan blowing on them 24/7 and the lights are 18/6.

I plan on transferring pots within the next day or so.

I haven't decided what ferts to use. Suggestions?