my first grow (stealth)


Active Member
ha not bad for a pomme!!!

that is mother fucking steath to the max! congrats on the grow so far, are you gonna top it at all or LST it?


Active Member
Easy Cuig06 and welcome to the boards! :D

Nice little grow you got there! Reminds me of my first time growing stealth, and was very similar to yours!
I have since CFL's gone to LED, and now 600w CMH/HPS in a StealthDrobe! :D
Best choice i have made and i can already see im gunna get a good yeild!

Check out my threads for some inspiration.
..i was once like you :)

Good luck with the grow dude!


ha not bad for a pomme!!!

that is mother fucking steath to the max! congrats on the grow so far, are you gonna top it at all or LST it?
I'm actually Irish but that's what I'd expect from a Kiwi ;-)

Regarding the LST and Topping, well thats where you lot come in.


Active Member
I cant see there being a problem with hight then mate. I read on here that the deeper the pot the bigger the plant. More room for the roots in bigger pots.


Active Member
Cuig maybe add 2 of the 2700k bulbs now so you have both spectrums in there. Not too sure when to start the bloom feed. You know to use the grow all the way through?


Yo dudes any help here??? I want to stretch the plant. Whats the best way to achieve a good height. I have about 20 inches to play with