My first grow - Stinkbuddies aero system and Red Dragon Sativa.


Hey guys and gals:

First and foremost I'd like to thank everyone here for their contributions to this forum. Your knowledge has helped a complete n00b like myself get started very easily and you have answered a ton of my questions time and time again. :-P

So now I'm gonna stop lurking and share what I've got going so far, thanks to you guys. :)

Feel free to comment and offer any suggestions. I'm also a forum n00b so I guess I need to link to a "discussion of this grow journal" too?

Anyways, all credit for this aero system goes to StinkBud. If you want to make this system, check out:

The strain is Red Dragon. The plant you see in the soil below the aero system is the original (the mother I guess?) that I purchased from a local dispensary as a tiny clone.

I am now attempting to clone her in my system. I'm using 100 ml of Clonex solution in just enough water to cover the pump. I have adjusted the pH to 5.8-6.0. I am using the General Hydroponics pH up / pH down system with the dropper. I know I should get a more accurate meter pretty soon, as it's kinda weird trying to read colors.

For lights I'm using the infamous el-cheapo fluorescent lights from Walmart ($10.) It's on an 18 hour on / 6 hour off cycle. I previously was using a GlowPanel 45 from Sunshine Systems:

I sent the light back because it didn't seem to be having much effect when placed above the mother plant. I would place the plant by a window that gets sunlight most of the day, and it would explode with growth. When placed under the L.E.D. it just seemed to kind of sit there. So now I'm going to do the tried and tested method of using HPS lights. I'm thinking of getting a 400 watt HPS for my small room.

For the aero timer I am using a 15-minute on cycle / 30 mins off. StinkBud recommends a 1 min on / 5 minutes off cycle, but I am a cheap bastard. If anyone thinks it's absolutely mandatory to use the 1 min / 5 min, please lemme know!

I placed the clones in the system a day ago. I haven't seen any hints of growth yet except on one plant.

A strange thing happened last night - in a period of a few hours the water went from completely clear to very cloudy. I replaced the water, Clonex, and adjusted the pH.

Another kind of strange thing is the leaves have some yellow spotting on them after they reach maturity (check out the pictures.) I checked the pH and it was at 6.5. Again, I may need a more accurate meter and this could be due to the dispensary I bought it from having high levels of nitrogen in the soil, but it seems like it should have flushed out by now.

I'm hoping that's what the problem is but any suggestions are again welcomed. :)

I will post more pictures / updates as time goes on.

Hope I'm doing this right, but I made a discussion page for this thread here:




This thread is dead since I can't edit my posts. I would delete them, but I can't figure out how to do that either.

Update. I can edit this post, but not the previous post. WTF?