My first grow. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.


So this is my first grow, no particular strain that I'm aware of, the seed just came out of a batch I purchased (bagseed???). I suppose I started a little late???, last of May/first of June. My lady is growing outdoors and she didnt start to flower until the 1st of September. I had a friend who started the same time as me with his first grow and his started to flower an entire month earlier than mine did. I have no idea why, as I am still learning. I have her planted along side of a few bushes that are directly on the property line of my neighbor:-( so i had to tie her down after she started growing taller than the bushes. The lady next door is a pretty nice that I know of and hasnt showed any sign of care that my plant is there, and I'm sure she see's it if she pays attention to her surroundings when she cuts the grass.

I have a few concerns considering I'm not sure exactly when to harvest. She's been flowering for 8 weeks and 2 days, but her buds are no where near the size of some of your guys'. She has a pretty sweet smell, but I'm getting scared that the time may be running short. Temps are VERY COLD as of late. Tonight we have a frost advisory with a low of 33F at night, and tomorrow will be the same but temps will rise back up to the low 40's at night next week. Should I be worried?? I havent taken any precautions. Not sure what I could do or if I should do anything.

With your professional opinions, do you guys think that she is ready? I'm thinking she has to be pulled very soon, to prevent any mold or bud rot because the temps are so low and we have had a bunch of rain in the last week and are expecting some more next week. I want to give her as much time as I can but I dont want to lose her either.

Thank you very much for your time and opinions. ALL COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED. ;-)


Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
im no expert bro... but id just keep em going until they die from frost or cold temps or they might fully bud if he temps do rise if its a strong strain, ive let my plants just die before due to late planting and i swear its some of the dopest dope ive ever smoked

Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
well it would be kind of hard to keep em going if frost fucks them tonight... if they jut die from frost or that shit just make sure you harvest them asap


I've been researching "frost damage" and 90% of what I've read says frost shouldn't hurt the plant as long as it isn't for an EXTENDED amount of time, like 6-8 hours. The first two times the weatherman mentioned frost, I placed some stakes around her and put a curtain over top to prevent the frost from touching her, but last night and the precious night I did nothing and she is still looking as healthy? As she always has, she doesn't get as much sun nowadays due to the time of year and a few trees that are in a neighbors yard two houses away I was thinking maybe that's why her buds weren't as big as the ones I see on some threads

Can anyone tell is she is a indica or sativa? Im thinkin maybe sativa and that's why she budded so late?
95% o her pistols are reddish/orange. I just ordered a 60x magnifying glass from eBay I expect to receive this week. I had plans to chop her tomorrow, but am willing to wait if you guys think I should.

Tonight's low is 42F and tomorrows is gonna be 34, then back to mid to upper 40's all next week. I just don't wan to lose her. I've waited to long to taste her! ;)


Well-Known Member
A little frost won't hurt her. I still have a few plants out and it's been in the high 20's last couple of nights. My forecast calls for a week of sun with highs in the mid 50's so I'm letting them go at least another week. As long as she's not molding she'll be fine.