My First Grow, UK! 2008


Active Member
Hi there, my first grow ever. Thought i'd give it a go, its just simply sat on the window sil in my kitchen :D

Strain: Bahia Blackhead from Legal Highs, Glass Bongs, Pipes Head Shop. £9.80


What you guy's reckon? does she (hopefully) look healthy?

also would anyone recomend putting transparent bag over her to keep the humidity in the air up?

Thanks :D



Well-Known Member
the plant looks awesome! it's doing beautifully......I don't think you need the bad over it.


Well-Known Member
hi are you planning on putting it outside?.
and how come you are growing only 1 plant?.
do you know it wont be ready till oct.

plus here in england there is no sun, well not in my yard.

i have 8 plants outdoors and they are doing shit, going to put them under lights till summer, cos the nights are still a little cold.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use a bag, but I have used those donut shop ice coffee cups with the opened top...they're like little hot houses, plus the hole in the top is good to help support those Sir Stretch A Lots...
You could use cfl's for your young-uns...I don't know the types you have as your power output is different than ours...


Active Member
Im from North East Mate, Newcastle :D

Well thts wot i was thinking, it acts as a humidity tent, im growing 4, theres one outside chilling :P and 3 on the cil, didnt think there was much point posting them all as they were planted at diff times.. :D


i might try some lights.. not sua just yet


Guest old is it?.....i think im around the same stage as you.!
you should atleast get a little 60 watt lamps and use some 60 watt cfls for night time lighting because weed plants usually start flowering when theyre getting 12/12 light and should only costs about 20 dollars at walmart.....good luck on your grow...ill be tuning in 4 dis 1......

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member old is it?.....i think im around the same stage as you.!
you should atleast get a little 60 watt lamps and use some 60 watt cfls for night time lighting because weed plants usually start flowering when theyre getting 12/12 light and should only costs about 20 dollars at walmart.....good luck on your grow...ill be tuning in 4 dis 1......
I dont think he'll be going to walmart in the near future, he's from england we don't have walmart over here. But it's a good point, I can't find any decent cfl's over here there all at homedepot and walmart. Im from west yorkshire too, huddersfield to be exact.


Well-Known Member
IM FROM THE Uk!!!! yeah i just brought envirolites hope they will be all good. also just using soil from good old british homebase should be good starting grow this weekend.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Thanks growwww, i'll have me some of them beasties. I've got 4 24w fluorescents for veg and I need some lights for flowering so i think ill get two of them 2700k's.