My first grow, useing Aerofram


Active Member
Hey there...
I'm starting an organic grow hobby for the first time and I want to share my little adventure here with ya all.. After reading countless hours of Posts, some pleople have managed to insprit me to start my own grow.

I have build a closet, up in the loft..


· My Vegg-room is 3 feet “90cm” in length, 2 feet “60cm wide and 5 feet “150cm” high.
· My flowing-room is almost 3 feet “86 cm” in length, 2 feet “60 cm” wide and 7 feet “ 210cm” high.

· Six CFL *18w 6500k for my Veg-room.
· One Philps Master Son-T PIA Green Power T 400w e40, with the ballast for my flowing room.

Growin system
· One AeroFarm system from Which I have in the Veg- room.

· One Duct Fan S & P TD160/100 N Silent for sucking warm air out from the flowing –room.
· Two bathroom Fan Silent 100-CZ. Both for pulling air from the vegg-room to the flowing-room.
· Three Computer fan’s. I have mounted one of the fan’s, facing stight to the Hps “ Blowing air”. Still have not found any use for the othe 2 fan’s.. I thought of saving them, when my plants being to flower.
· 2 circulasjon fans. One Big and small. which I have not mounted yet.

· Flora series form GHE FloraGro, FloraBloom and FloraMicro, Once a week.

· I Decided to orden my seeds from . I had my seeds in four days, from the the day I ordered them.
· I bought the Value pack “ Super Strong Pack “ with 10 seeds of white widow, 10 seeds of Crystal and 10 seeds of Ice. Puss, I got 5 free seeds of Super Sliver Haze.

I have started out with 4 seeds of Ice on first of April.
Here is a few pics of them today (with from the seed). Hope you enjoy. If anyone has anything that add or a tip I'll be greatfull..

Thanks everyone..


Well-Known Member
looks great! i also am about to start an aerofarm grow. do you have it running 24/7? do you change res once a week?


Active Member
Hey everyone..
It has been 13 days now, from the day I germinated my seeds. Today I saw three of my baby plant's had roots :-D
I couldn't "see" roots on the last one :-(

- xrayspecs
question -do you have it running 24/7?
Answer-I let it run for 1 hour & 15 min & let it take a break for 45min.. And the same cycle continue 24 hours..

-I really dont no, If I'm doing this correct. As this is my first time ever having to do with plants..

- I still have the same water from the day 1. The first week, I had No Nutrient in the reservoir. I started adding nutrient on day 7 & today, day 13. Every Monday.

I hope I have answered your Q..

Here are some fresh Pics I took today.
I will be very grateful for any advise or tips..

Thank you & Peace:peace:



Well-Known Member
too much water bro, you can play with the timer but some around here have 1min timers, they go 1min on 5min off, i have 15min timers so i go 15on 45-60 off...and i still think 15mins is too much thats why i lengthend the off time...put it this way aeroponics utilizes oxygen and the roots suspended in air adds to this, by spraying them for all that time your drowning them and not getting the full benefit of aeroponics, watch your water temps too, anything over 75F is trouble, you have any enzyme products?> something to keep root rot and all that other nasty shit away


Active Member
I have a min 15min timer.
I'm going to change it right now and go for "15 min on, 45 min off".
I belive my water temp, is below 75F (24C) for now alist.. My location is North of europe and it's quiet cold right now.
As for the enzyme products. I have none :( ...

I really appreciate for all the help I can get..

Thanks for stopping by & for your advise M8 ;p) . .. . . . .



Well-Known Member
your mighty welcome, you would be suprised how long roots can stay without getting spray, i wouldnt go anything passed one can also hit the lil scales on the top left corner of the post =)...rep me


Well-Known Member
by the way, your setup looks nice, neat and clean...well done, but one thing, get those plus off the floor, it will get wet in there soon, water below the waistline, electrics above


Active Member
Hey Everyone :eyesmoke:

Yesteday, i made some changes in my grow-room..

1. Changed the timer to go "15 min on, 60 min off".
2. Have removed the electric Socket with the timer from the floor and have it on top.
3. Mounted the small fan & facing down, on Low speed.
4. I have put more "clay-stones" around my babys plants.
5. Given a name to each Mai, Xara, Ava & Whitnee..

Here are some Pics of the changes I made..

please feel free to make a comment, if you can see something I can improve on or doing wrong ;-)
I'm open to any good advise..

Thank you & Peace..



Well-Known Member
Yes thanks for answering my questions.

Great pictures! I was going to run my aerofarm 24/7 but will change to your schedule, its great to get good advice from people on here. It would be interesting to run 2 aerofarms with different timings to see how they compare.

You seem to know what you're doing and I don't know much so only way I can help now is to say that I was also going to only use 4 of the 5 holes but you might want to cover it, as I read that apparentely the light that gets through the hole could create algae in the reservoir, which isn't good for things.

Plants look good, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Also, I forgot to ask - how much nutrient did you use put in the res? and how much water did you put in the res? thanks!

I read that you should use less than what it says on the bottle at first. Apparentely the aerofarm can hold 45 litres of water.


Active Member
Hey Everyone

I'm glad, I could answer your Questions M8 & that you like the Pictures :)

This site Rocks.. There are so many people here with alot of knowledge & willing to help out..
I belive, if you want to be good at something, you should learn from the best.. And rollitup, seem's to be the best..

Thanks for pointing out about the hole.. I have it covered all the time. When I'm working around the reservoir, I normally take it off.. I should have taken the Picture with it and from now on, I will sir ... :)

About the schedule.. I managed to mess that up.. When I'm up in the loft, checking on my baby's. I'm never there more then 5 min once a day. If you see in the Pictures fo the timer, I have it the other way round "60min on & 15min off" I was alittle stone while playing with the

But my baby's looked good with that schedule. And then I started to think about what morrisgreenberg sayed about "spraying them for all that time and that I'm drowning them and not getting the full benefit of aeroponics".
I belive what he said was true and he gave me the right advise. But my roots are not fully developed yet, so what he said did not applie at this stage of the plants life, but later.. When the roots are fullt grown.

Then I started to think about How the Aerofram sprays water. I have two sprays, which spray 180 Degree. So only under half the plant is getting spayed by water. And maybe I'm not over watering them.

To seek for more answers i took a look a FAQ > 4. Water, nutrients and addatives > Water > How can I tell whether my drooping plant is overwatered or underwatered?
Answer: Leaves that are drooping from underwatering will look limp and lifeless.
Answer: Leaves that are drooping from overwatering will be firm and curled down, even from the stem of the leaf.

So I started to looking at my leaves for any sighs for over watering and they look fine to me..
I'm still not so sure, So I took fresh Pics in hope of someone can give me there opinion, what they think..

Peace:peace:View attachment 387393

View attachment 387402



Active Member

About the Nutrient: I flowed the Instructions from GHE just like they say :)

About the water:
I started with 30 liters, which i think was to much!! Because the plants are to young to drink all that and the water was almost touching the plastic pots.
I think the right amount would be 20 liters. There must be a good distant between the bottom of the pot and water for the roots to heng.
Be carefull that the water does not go to low or your pump will start sucking air :(
And Its always good to have an exstra pump, if something should go wrong in the middel of the night or on a holiday ;)

I hope this has helped you M8 and good luck with your grow..



Active Member
i'm not saying anyone is wrong here, because i am as green as ,,well...the grass :) but the fact that it is suffering overwatering does not make sense to me. lots of people use DWC and roots just pretty much sit in the water 100% of the time. Like i said i am not claiming to know it all or telling anyone they are wrong . just bringing up a point that was confusing me.


Active Member
Hey bdomina..

There is a big difference between sitting & henging.
When there are henging, the top of the roots are not touching the water below, but only getting sprayed.
I belive if the roots were totaly in the water from top to bottom 24/7, they are getting drowned..

I dont no anything about DWC, and how they work..
I think aerofram has something to do with the air in between the bottom of the pot and the water below..
I'm new to this, just like you buddy.. So i might be me wrong..
Thanks for bring up your point and your surport..



Active Member
got nuthin but love bro. Wish you the best of success. I remember reading that the most oxygen uptake takes place in something like the top third of the root growth. so in this case that is the area that is being sprayed on. the rest of the root mass which sits in the bottom of the resivoir would provide different nutrient uptake. and also i think you made a good move with your timing schedule. There is an aero thread that is stickied hat mentions someone from advancd nutrients experimenting with letting the roots dry for a length of time before spraying and growth excellerated.
throw some more pics up. i think they actually look ok to me...


Active Member
also what do those sprayers look like under the lid ? are they just 2 or 3 - 360* nozzels or are those tube hooked to something inside the res. just curious. thanks