My first grow Wardrobe


Active Member

Just as photo seen There is only a little Break and excavate the earth

Indoor material
Space size 2*3*4
7 27W CFL
8 inches of electric fans
Have not used any fertilizer at present
Temperature 27-31
Humidity 35-40

Please give me some professional opinions

These photos From the seed on the fourth day

If need to improve

Now There are some questions

How often does the need water

If humidity needs increasing How to improve

Is it correct that is it female to put the increase of banana?

Thank you for your response
I will improve


Well-Known Member
Is it correct that is it female to put the increase of banana?
hahaha what the fuck???

the cab looks good, only thing i noticed is that cfl's are more efficient to the plant when they are mounted horizontally. their coils sideways have more surface area, thus giving more direct light. and aluminum foil is really not good. it catches beams of light and can concentrate them into a little heat ray, similar to a magnifying glass. you dont want any of those rays beaming on a leaf or a little seedling.


Well-Known Member
uhmm maybe u shud get a 600 w HPS light. that shiit wud rock ur world. but if ur goin the cheap way i would at least get more flow recent lights on that baby!


Well-Known Member
Looks great man, an HPS would work way better after the first 2-3 weeks. CFLs are good for seedlings because they are lite lights. Not as stressful as a HPS is. Small plants dont do good with fert, hps lights, and mh lights. If you want faster growth and bigger plants you will need more light. 7 of those cfl's cant grow two 3-5 ft plants. Or they might but just not too healthy for em. Once they get so big they will be starved of light. And as for water, you need to water once every 3-4 days with seedlings. If you let their soil dry out between the first few waters it will make the roots grow downward looking for water. And roots are the first thing you concentrate on. But later on watering depends on size of pot and plant. Big plant and little pot means watering more often, and big pot small plant means not as much water. But you cant put a seedling in a 3 gallon pot. So its ideal to have 1 gallon of soil for every foot of growth, comprende? And another tip, for that crack in the middle a peice of gorrilla tape taped to the edge of one side will fix that. So that way people wont know there is something goin on in there.

And can we get pics of the actual plants??? Or are they sprouted?


Well-Known Member
you cant put a seedling in a 3 gallon pot.
completely 100% false. the last grow i had i got rid of all my little pots because of an insect problem in my veg room and had to grow from germination in 4 five gallon pots. now i have 4 northern lights in flower (which hail from the pots i just mentioned) and all 4 are between four and five feet tall. they have been in flower for 5 weeks. it is true that transplanting once the plant is near root bound is better, because a concentrated root system absorbs water more efficiently and once you transplant there is fresh soil/nutrients for the roots to expand into instead of having a 5 gallon pot full of old dried out soil. you did supply dudeman some good information but what i quoted from you is completely inaccurate.


Well-Known Member
completely 100% false. the last grow i had i got rid of all my little pots because of an insect problem in my veg room and had to grow from germination in 4 five gallon pots. now i have 4 northern lights in flower (which hail from the pots i just mentioned) and all 4 are between four and five feet tall. they have been in flower for 5 weeks. it is true that transplanting once the plant is near root bound is better, because a concentrated root system absorbs water more efficiently and once you transplant there is fresh soil/nutrients for the roots to expand into instead of having a 5 gallon pot full of old dried out soil. you did supply dudeman some good information but what i quoted from you is completely inaccurate.
Sorry, i guess he has proved me wrong. But i do not parctise that idea. I like to go from disposable cup(seedlings/clones) to 1 gallon(veg) to three gallon(flower). I am completely satisfied with my results so im not gonna change a thing.


Well-Known Member
as well as you should be. ideally i practice this as well, however recently i have been limited on my supplies and have had to resort to other means (as stated above). i totally agree with saynotodrugs input except for that fact that you cant grow in a 3 gallon pot. you can but your results will be more beneficial if you practice transplants when needed. every thing else you mentioned is good information and in no way did i mean to undermine your input except for what i disagreed with above.


Well-Known Member
as well as you should be. ideally i practice this as well, however recently i have been limited on my supplies and have had to resort to other means (as stated above). i totally agree with saynotodrugs input except for that fact that you cant grow in a 3 gallon pot. you can but your results will be more beneficial if you practice transplants when needed. every thing else you mentioned is good information and in no way did i mean to undermine your input except for what i disagreed with above.
This is a simple two step equation about taking care of a small problem. Its a three step equation. Any math nerds out there?


Active Member
At first Thank everybody for everybody's response
Answer my question
Everybody's trouble that the new hand let
I decide to transform my space
After transforming

Can space after transforming like this could you tell me in Israel
My space

Temperature 30.C
Humidity 35-40

Do I need the ventilation facilities now? Except electric fan

I have found a kind of Heating mat

It can be in 25-40 degrees with the constant temperature

I consider, want, put when being cultivated in a pot

Heating Mat Size 50cm*50cm

Do I need to combine with CFL?


Active Member
At first Thank every specialized personnel for helping me to answer the question
This is installed by me, the result after improving
And the situation that the seed grows

Could you tell me seeding
Whether there needn't be too much water

It is the time to water that I am only non- clear now and water Quantity

Young seedling stage There needn't be too much water yield

Do not just need a large amount of water until growth period?

How long does it need keeping in usually young seedling stage


Active Member
I should pay attention to any present this situation I to have a
question because I live the place quite cold usually temperature only
has 15C at present I to give my treasure 24/0 therefore has the light
bulb the temperature also to be allowed to maintain warm but if I must
enter 18/6 me to have the temperature the question to have any to
suggest well


Well-Known Member
your in israel? haha why dont you grow outdoors....
ive been to palestine a few times and damn so many plants and perfect growing weather and great sunlight, if i were there id do some outdoor grows


Active Member
The plant grows quickly toono israel. i come from Asia
This is the first time of me
hey guys

Is my baby healthy?

I find. If sprout for period Grow quickly
Then the seed is good

The plant grows quickly too

So it seems non- enough to buy 10 seeds once


Well-Known Member
Your doin good man, have patience. If that pic is today then you prolly dont nedd to water for atleast 2 days ok.


Active Member
ok Thank you to commend I can continue to try hard
At present I am a day water irrigation arothe soilund