My first grow = WEIRD...(PICS,PICS...)


Well-Known Member
I actually forgot to mention this... I tried a grow and failed miserably once apon a time (as a highschool kid lol). I was using miracle grow "moisture lock" (or something to that effect) soil and growing under incondescent "plant bulb"s They came out looking a lot like that, except with long, stretchy stems. The leaves were thin and crazy, a lot like that.

I definately think the lighting is wrong, and I agree about the tinfoil. If the plant is recieving differing amounts of light in random spots due to warped wrinkles on the tinfoil, the plant will grow with warped wrinkles on its leaves and stem. Ditch the foil for sure.

BTW... This is the f*ing funniest thread EVER! I love the commentary. Elephant men, Dr. Seuss, and Parrellel dimesions. Lolol :D


Well-Known Member
the tin foil is a bad idea for the fact that it doesnt just give hot spots but it also cooks what ever is under it so say it is sitting round the tops of the pots reflecting upwards

one hot day and you will literaly cook your roots

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
Sooo i think its time for an update ill be posting pics soon but the plants are still alive and growing pretty fast the leafes have now 3 fingers!


Well-Known Member
Crazy looking plants! My best suggestion is to get some cfls and put those fairly close to the plants, and then feed them somthing that will help the roots grow rather than the tops. Oh and I would also add high humidity to that. All of that would help them survive. Your plants have stunted root growth (my guess is a problem in the cloning process) You need to limit the plant growth a small amount and promote root growth. only a hunch though