my first grow with bagseed

flo rida

Active Member
just thought i would post a few pics, i started with an hps bulb, but just bought an mh bulb. this is 3 weeks in a deep water setup. i am using liquid karma and pro grow. only problem is small yellow spots on the leaves. ph is good, 6.0, light is like 2 feet above the plants, so its not burns. any help appreciated



Well-Known Member
i can't really see the yellow spots (old eyes) but i know foliar feeding (with nutes and/or hot lights) can cause yellow spots.


Active Member
Yellow spots can also mean there is too much nitrogen coming to the roots. (Just like when a dog pisses on a lawn; urine has a high concentration of nitrates.) Back off your nutrients a little (or dilute it by adding more water.)

Really though, at this point, I wouldn't be too concerned. Just let them grow and don't nurse them too much. They don't call it weed for no reason. :)