My First Grow


Active Member
Hi guys, since this is my first post i'll also introduce myself. I'm from canada and have long been interested in my first grow since I was 16. I'm 18 now and have finally put together everything I needed. I love my weed and I love marijuana plants ;).

So now that that's out of the way, here's my set up of the growbox.

4x4x4 Yes. It's a complete box. Made of plywood and 2x2's.
I'm using black and white film (It's only like 5% at most less reflective then mylar)
The lamp you see is a 400w HPS. I have T5's which are for flowering setup in my closet.
I will be using a soiless medium called Cocogro.
My choice of nutrients is PureBlend Pro Grow.

My questions are as follows, would an oscilating fan be enough for simply cooling the box off?
Do I really need to invest in exaust fans? And how much would that run me?
How's the setup look in general?

Below is a picture. Thanks ahead of time, I want some criticism and advice thanks.


Stoned Crab

Active Member
Great looking grow room! I'm also new to growing and I am also from canada; where abouts are you from? As for the cooling question, try putting a fan in now before there are any plants and see if it makes much of a differance.


Active Member
@ Stoned Crab

To be more percise as to my wearabouts i'm in Ontario, Etobicoke. Ofc I wouldn't give more details then that as to the whole law enforcement scenerio ;-). Towards the fan idea, i'm thinking of installing a bathroom venting fan on the very top near the light to simply take the hot air out. Seeing as the box is right by the window im sure air coming in wont be too much of a problem.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion would be to put an exhaust fan near the light as you said as well as an oscilating fan to move the air around your box. It will help make the plants stronger and will circulate the hot air up to the exhaust fan and away from your babies.


New Member
one of the main factors is how hot the room the box is in gets. if you have central a/c you would be fine with just a bathroom exhaust, but if your house gets up to 90 degrees you will need a lot more.. 400 watts for a 4x4x4 will get hot quick.. especially if everything else is hot. if your house is cold you could run a small bathroom fan (50+ cfm) with a passive intake you could suck the cold air from around the box...
good luck

Stoned Crab

Active Member
Im in ontario aswell small world, keep updating this, or start a journal. Im interested to see how it turns out when you get some ladies in there.


Active Member
So I have it all setup now and the seeds are in place. Waiting on the sprouting now :P.

I've planted 6 ak'47 and am waiting for 10 white widow's to arrive through the mail. I ordered from Nirvana shop on tuesday and they have comfirmed it has been shipped since yesterday. Hopefully they arrive by wednesday (3 business days) :).


Active Member
The lamp you see is a 400w HPS. I have T5's which are for flowering setup in my closet.
You will want to reverse this, use the T5s for veg(and cloning) at 24/0, and use the 400W HPS for flowering at 12/12.

Also look into a cooltube for the HPS to keep temps down below 80F.

Best of Luck!

-\x0D :joint:


Active Member
Yea that was just a mistype don't worry :P. The 400w is for flowering and the t5 you see in my latest pic is for the veg :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i went to a big box hardware store and bought a 6" inline fan. i think it was about $30. get some dryer vent, the flexible kind. attach the dryer vent to the end of the hood. run it out of the room to the fan. it could just sit on top if the box/room. the fan will suck in air from the room through the hood to the outside. i even put a little 6' desk fan on the other side of the hood to push the air through. let me see if i have a pic.

you seem to have the basic down, all i can really tell you is to read the FAQ. and do what i did replicate success by read journals similar to your grow. check out mine there old. i have not posted any recent grows.


Well-Known Member
here are the pics. these is from way back in January. i have not changed a thing. i was going to run a vent where the desk fan is to a AC duct, but i really did not need to once i turn on the house AC.

you need a oscillating fan regardless. there many reasons why, but most obvious is the branches will be stronger from the movement.



Active Member
With all seriosness thanks for the pictures and your input because that just solved my ventilation issue / debate. Heading to the store tomorrow for the stuff. :)


Well-Known Member
does your hood have a glass shield in it at the bottom. if not you should consider getting one. you would decrease temp dramatically.