my first grow

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I had to do a search for tomorite 'cus I'm in the US and we don't have that one over here. Looks like decent stuff w/ a good fert ratio and not too hot.

Pot size does affect yield to an extent, o2. Alot of other factors also come into play (light/temps/ferts/humidity/VEG TIME), but in a fairly well dialed in garden with a good yielding strain online an average figure to go on is a dried OZ of weed for every gallon of soil in the pot.

good luck

bt dt


New Member
thanks videoman40 & bt dt for your input, it is abit thin on the stem but ive got it staked just incase it gets to top-heavy. as for addding more lights than what ive got might be abit risky because of the size of my grow room. its only 18"x18"x5' & the heat build up is quite bad as i cant vent it properly. ive got 2 pc fans running & the temp is around the 27 deg c mark (the thermometer only goes upto 27 deg lol )
many thanx

rob butts

Well-Known Member
if you can put a little loscilatting fan in there it will beef up youre stem, it stimulates nature. Also you dont really have to worry about the heat too much before CFL's dont produce that much of screen is also wierd, it distorts pics and i couldnt tell if you had lined youre growroom with foil or mylar, but if its foil that creates ALOT of heat, good luck


New Member
hi again rob, my grow room is lined with foil as i dont have the cash for the proper stuff. im just making do with what i have at hand mate.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
id line it with white paper before i use foil man, no offense, just my opinion. but do whatever youd like. good luck


New Member
no offence taken mate. im glad im getting this info from people like yourself that has done this before. thanx


Active Member
WOW! I cant wait till mine starts flowering! Lookin good!

I'm on my first grow as well. Sorry if I sound ignorant, but "active yeast"? Is that the same as just mixing in regular yeast into the water and sugar mix or is it something totally different?


New Member
hi yummybuds, i think its just the same but im not sure either. im going to have a look online about it just to check. do you have any pics of your grow?


Active Member
hi yummybuds, i think its just the same but im not sure either. im going to have a look online about it just to check. do you have any pics of your grow?

I dont have any pics yet, as I dont have my computer set up at home right now. I'm posting from work and dont think it would be good to start downloading pics here. :mrgreen:

In time I will get them on my computer at home, probably just in time to get some bud pics.:blsmoke:

rob butts

Well-Known Member
yeah you get active yeast at a supermarket, it comes in an envelope usually. make sure you use it within a few days of when you get it though, it goes bad after about a week.


New Member
thanks rob, i'll have a look for some or i'll get my wife to get me some. hope you get online soon yummybuds so we can all see your plants. my plant hasnt grown much in the last few days since ive added the cfl's, is this normal when you add or change its light ?

rob butts

Well-Known Member
are you using miracle grow still? if so i gaurantee thats why, its probably burning the roots. it happens to me before and it stops growing


New Member
i was using something called baby bio but ive changed to tomorite now. it maybe because its adjusting to the new feed. it still seems fine though, not drooping or wilting. ive also gave it a small feed of molasses. so it could be a number of things. i'll keep a close eye on it over the next few days.
cheers o2


New Member
my plant has started growing again now. it seems fine so i dont know what was wrong. its grown an inch since my last update.
thanx to everyone


Active Member
hi i was reading about your and my brother are finishing our grow and its going pretty successfull.....if you want to get CO2 in the room quick and easy without having to make it juss go to a sports authority or whatever sporting goods store and buy a paintball co2 can and get it filled and then just release the co2 in the grow room....i had same problem not enough co2 and this helped alot


New Member
thats me finally got some co2 in the grow room, after filling a 1 litre bottle and it over flowing with the mixture & flooding my wardrobe ive put the mix in a 1.5 litre bottle.



New Member
i think ive made the mix for the co2 abit on the strong side cos it keeps filling the bottle with bubbles and its coming out the hole in the lid ( its making a hell of a mess). does anyone have the ratio for mixing it in a 1.5 litre or 2 litre bottle ?