My first grow


Well-Known Member
Ok well i guess the problem fixed itself eventually, anyways here's what they look like now, been a month since they popped so they may be behind but again not like i'm totall sure. I'll let em grow till i think there going to get in each other's light. Sorry it took so long. Please let me know if there is something i could be doing better. Thanks again.
Those look like some fatty indicas nice man, keep it up. If you want a comparison here is mine at about a month



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply's guys. I was wondering when i should flower them, now i dont really care how big they get but i dont want them to be growing all over each other. If they get pretty wild durring flowering period kinda sketchy on how long i should wait before i put them into that phase. gonna take off on vaction here for about 2 weeks and i guess i'll throw them into that phase when i get back if that sounds like a good idea. Honestly though thanks for the reply's is all i really mean to say, i'll figure out what works through trail and error but love the help and the compairson tyvm man.
Also anything you guys suggest for feeding them? Need to do that within the next 3 days and could use a suggestion. Thanks again guys. I'll keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
If it's your first grow flower as soon as you can clone one.

They won't get huge, you will have product about 9-11 weeks wet add 1-2 weeks to dry. You will get a fell for the rest of your grows and will know from then on how big you like to grow.

I found I like 5 little to mid size plants vs 1 big plant.

You will be able to cycle littler plants faster with slightly less harvest.


Well-Known Member
Here's the last photo i'm gonna be able to put on for about 10 days or so. Gonna take a vacation for a bit. If there's any other angles of them i could get to help determine how healthy they are let me know. The SS haze still has that yellow streaks on every set of new leaves she makes but she's growing just as if not faster than the others so i guess she's good. Thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
Here's the last photo i'm gonna be able to put on for about 10 days or so. Gonna take a vacation for a bit. If there's any other angles of them i could get to help determine how healthy they are let me know. The SS haze still has that yellow streaks on every set of new leaves she makes but she's growing just as if not faster than the others so i guess she's good. Thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
i see i see. i'm from the other 1 kinda. damn. met people from everywhere. and i know somewhere theres forign language sites just like this with diff nationalities growing weed. weird. i love fat females too!!! nice pics on this thread


Well-Known Member
Hi, scoob. your plants look great for a first grow. i think your ss haze has an issue though, looks like a magnesium def. get some epsom salt and some in with each watering, it should come out of it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, i was wondering if there was a problem with her, I'm not near the girls right now I'll give a buddy a call and have him take care of it, Thanks very much for the help. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Ok guys just got back from vacation. Here's the updated photo's, the Haze is pretty droopy and i added some salt to the water it was given so hopefully she'll stand up a little better soon. Also i'm planning on throwing them into 12/12 cycle cause i dont want them to explode and grow all over each other and i dont think they'll have enough room if i wait. Let me know if there's anything else i could be doing to help these girls out. Thanks in advance guys.



Well-Known Member
Ok guys just got back from vacation. Here's the updated photo's, the Haze is pretty droopy and i added some salt to the water it was given so hopefully she'll stand up a little better soon. Also i'm planning on throwing them into 12/12 cycle cause i dont want them to explode and grow all over each other and i dont think they'll have enough room if i wait. Let me know if there's anything else i could be doing to help these girls out. Thanks in advance guys.
Hey man looking awsome! Looks like u pretty much got this under control!! What is the purpose of the salt?


Well-Known Member
Hey Scoob - all your greenz are looking good. They all look very bushy! Once they double in size during flower, the extra foliage will help the buds with thier stored up food... The Haze may look a little droopy compared to the others, but you can see alot of new growth there - I wouldn't be too worried. Welcome back!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome backs. That dude on page 3 said it looked like a magnesium deficency and suggested to add salt to the mix. Good idea? Anyways yeah gonna put them into flowering starting in about 6 hours or so. worried there gonna turn into monsters on me.


Well-Known Member
Ok well i've put them into flowering and switched to a 12/12 cycle under a HPS bulb. i do hope there's nothing to worry about with that SS haze. I said well she's growing just as good as the others so i assume she's doing ok but i think i'll check the PH on water that runs out of the pot she's in. That is how i do that right? Just double checking.


Well-Known Member
ok so i picked up probably way more shit for blooming than i think i'll need to OD these girls i got some Carboload, Iguana Juice bloom, Power flower ( by botanicare) dude said its great for the extra little minerals and vitamins it provides, some FloraNectar sweetener and i already had the blooming stuff that goes with the alaskan fish shit. So anyways I didnt want any of them with the N-0 P-50 K-30 for fear of burning them but with the stuff i got hell i may just add up to the same damn thing. Anyways just keeping you guys updated on what i'm doing and taking suggestions for the girls. If you guys want more pics i'd be happy to post them early cause i'll be gone for 5 days after tonight anyways. Gotta love to see the progress on these lady's. Anways let me know. take it easy.


Well-Known Member
Hmm well at this point there kinda like kids and you know how everybody wants to show you pictures of there kids and you really dont care...yeah thats whats about to happen. So comming right up in about a half hour your getting new pictures. Yes!!!