My first grow


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This is my first official grow. I live in a two bedroom apartment, and converted the 2nd bedroom to a 2 stage veg/flower cycle. it is a 10x12 room and inside the room is a 5x7 homemade room with pvc, tarp, and canvas, and the closet is the veg room. all hydroponics. air cooled 1000w hps for flowering, carbon filter, 2x vortex duct fans, one input, one output. input air is on a timer for 4x a day, that is how often the room is updated with fresh air.
larger plants: white widow:
smaller plants: troublemaker and super lemon haze: dr. chronic.
Am in week 4 now. Will update week 1, 2, 3, and 4 with pictures.


Active Member
This is the first week after germination. These are the white widow from
I started in canna soil, but then as you can see in the next couple of weeks switched to hydro before it was too late.



Active Member
Week 3. Mixing the plants because of space issues. Have been setting up flowering room during the 3 weeks. The larger plants-white widow-are not feminized and so I am going to start flowering them to determine sex after another week (week 4). The other two strains are feminized so I am crossing my fingers with those.



Active Member
Well the flowering room is finished, except for the CO2 setup. I have an outvent and invent from the tent to the window, window locked by pvc pipe (extra).
I have now started flowering the 4 white-widow (from seed, all are from seed) to determine sex. Then I will pick the best female (variables to be determined) and keep her for a mother plant to clone.



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will post pics tomorrow. am going to do a h2o2 rinse on the root system with dilute solution. no reason there should be root rot. Feel free to make comments or suggestions.


Active Member
Things are going really well. That is all. The large sativa got cut down, and hung to dry for about 6 days, then paper bagged. It is in the paper bag now. The other two, super lemon haze, still have time left. One has 1 week, it is being flushed right now, the other has about 2-3 weeks until flushing starts.

The sativa nug has been tested and is very nice. Me gusta mucho. The last picture is of my current vegging plants. My plan: I am building an adjustable scrog right now, which i can add width and length to, and also I will have it on a pulley system attached to the ceiling as to make things much easier. I am going to start flowering the vegging plant on the left in about 3 weeks, and until then just keep topping and trimming trying to keep it wide and short. I will then lower the screen over the plant and weave through. Approximately one month after this one starts flowering, I am going to take another out of the veg room and start doing the exact same thing. So, every month another one will come out and one will come in. I will have two screens setup attached to the ceiling.

This is the progression of my system, it's been a fun and creative process. It will continue to be fun and creative, as long as some very unfun and uncreative people don't decide to put an end to my hobby to feed their own self enjoyment of watching others fall. Updates in the next two weeks about yield and smoke and such. Oh, and I have so far harvested 2 OZ's from the popcorn buds to the one sativa plant, 1 O each. My estimate is that after the main harvest, there will be a total of 6-8 Oz, including the first harvest. That is neither conservative or optimistic, but realistic. Good day.



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So I convinced one of my buddies to come over Saturday morning and help me out with a small remodel which turned out to be a large renovation. Changes:
1) Increased room size, 1 ft. width, 3.5 ft length.
2) Room is now completely sealed due to new wood frame we built, intertwined into the tarp.
3) Carbon filter now has a shelf to chill on. It is stable and the shelf is on the studs. Carbon filter is now happy.
4) Added another 1000W HPS light, for a total of 2x1000W in the flowering room.
5) Exchanged the old tarp and canvas for a new tarp for the room structure.
6) Designed and synthesized some plugs for the air pump due to not-in-use air holes which were just blowing. The air is now concentrated to only the holes/tubes in use.
7) Designed and built a screen/screen structure for the SCROG which is now being used. Took many hours to build the first one. I am going to try wood glue and clamps for the second. We will see how that goes, should be easier.

Reason for change: Efficiency and Evolution.



Active Member
Looks awesome sandiego. By the way, where you from :)
Well I am from Northern California originally, then moved to Wyoming, then out to San Diego about 6 years ago. I am currently located in an area about 5-25 minutes east of Pacific beach. Somewhere in that region. Where are you from Pablo?


Active Member
grade A looking grow SD!

Thanks K-town.

I just got done building another screen. It cost about $35 in supplies, and took me about 4 hours. Stringing the screen by hand took quite a long time, but I like that much more than just using fencing or what not. This is the third one I've built as you can see in the pictures. The first one sucked, well, relative to the others. It is too wobbly. Too many defects. No wheels, no removable screen. The 2nd and 3rd generation have wheels for easy transport and removable screens.
So the kicker is that they don't fit into my room, I have to build them in pieces, then bring the pieces into my room and put it together in there. It's somewhat annoying, but whatever, not a big deal. I will still sleep tonight.
The plant in the screen right now is Hogg, and it has been on 24/7 light until today, I put it on 18/6. It will go into flowering (12/12) in about 5 days. I hope to weave it through most of the screen before I flip the lights. Right now, as you can see, the screen is about 62% occupied. In one month, I will then put another plant (which is in the closet being trained for the big leagues) into the next screen. A month after that the next...and so on....until...well, I don't know. Until I get married and have kids? Na, until it's legalized? Na, I'll still do it. Hmm...anyway, that is all for now. Check out the pics....

