My First Grow


Hi id like to start out by introducing myself. My name is blake Im 16 my parents know im growing. Im growing inside a 3ft wide 2 1/2 foot tall box in my finished off basement

My plant is 1ft tall and i juststarted its flowering last night as ive only done one night so far of 12/12 i turn it on at 9AM and off at 9 PM

Soil - Outdoor soil mixed with potting soil i took the outside soil about a foot down.

Water - I used nutrients in my water 3/4ths the way through veg.

lighting - 2 75 watt normal bulbs

I did the yeast water suger thing like i read on a different post and i just started that last night

i also spray the leaves once every week just a bit.

umm idk what else to say except thank you for your time and i would greatly appreciate your advice.

uploaded pictures ( please keep in mind i have spent no money on this project yet)



Well-Known Member
hey bro, cool parents! lol some of us are lucky =)
but hows ur plant looking? any thing ur unaware of u need to know? id b happy to help =)


im trying to upload pictures but for some reason when i try to it gives me an error message. Ill investigate and try to upload some =)


Well-Known Member
alright man cool, mine messes up n says theres a security token missing if i try to upload more than one at a time. or u can go to a site like and upload there, and copy/paste the code thing here


hmmmm if you want to go with not breaking the bank invest in four 26 watt 6500k cfls and two splitters ,and later on for flowering four 40 watt two being 5000k and two being 2700k then you should be one your way, dont worry to much about nutes just use the water from boilded veggies and stuff like that and you should be fine!


Well-Known Member
good info except, for flowering 2 2700k and 2 5600k bulbs wouldnt work very well, you will get more leaf then bud. in flowering a plant uses 70% red and orange light. in vegg about 70% blue light. 3 2700k and 1 5600k would work alot better.

Illegal Smile

I don't know whatyou mean by normal bulbs but incandescent is no good. You should have about 200w minimum in actual cfls watts. And now that it is flowering you want that to be 75% or more 2700k spectrum. Lightis more importantnow than it was in veg.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
hmmmm seems odd. Get yourself some better bulbs! Those incadescents are no good especially because they get HOT. They willo raise your temps especially in a sealed inclosure and they arent strong enough to grow plants(plus you could start a fire)You might disagree with me know cuz you gotta healthy lookin plant but believe me it will outgrow the light. Your using 150 watts of useless light you could get a 150 watt HPS that would be a million times better. At the very least you need some cfls you can buy em at walmart. I got 23 watts that put out quite a bit of lumens for 5$ each. Your going to need some stuff for your grow box like intake and exhaust fans and maybe some odor control.


Well-Known Member
an hps would not work in a 2.5 foot tall box. dont hps lights have to b about 2.5 feet above the plants?? go with cfls =) wont run up your electric bull, wont burn any thing, and would b about $10 for the whole setup. as to hps or cmh your looking at a good 300-500 with all the fans and stuff.


Well-Known Member
yea bro, see how skinny she is? if u get some cfls (compact flouresent lamps) bulbs she will grow tremendously =) you can get every thing u need at home depot or lowes, probly walmart too for about $10-$15.
heres a pic of my vegg box. made it with $18 lol but my lil girls are growing good in it


Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Man u deffo need to swap out them incandescent for CFl's, as mentioned, get sum Y splitters and you will notice your plant looking much better! Maybe hold up on the nutes, since its a small (thin) plant...and judging from ure picks some of the leaves are yellowing, this could be nute burn or those damn incandescents scorching the place! Good luck to you though =]


Thanks man for the advice ill go get those CFLS cometime soon. i have to go to night school so i will be back in a few hours. Also i do beleive that the lower nodes have the yellowing from nute burn but that happened in its eirlier stages and i think i fixed that problem.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
i would really suggest that you just start over that plant probably isnt going to get much better the damge is done its just gonna fall over. Get your set up right and set up the cfls. I know that a HPS wouldnt be a good idea for that box (2.5 ft)because of the light intensity and also they get hot too but I was simply stating that for the wattage hes pushing he could get such a better results from a more suitable light.
Damn jimbo thats a nice looking indica you got there....what is it the leaves are crazy jagged like a weopon or something!?


Well-Known Member
i would really suggest that you just start over that plant probably isnt going to get much better the damge is done its just gonna fall over. Get your set up right and set up the cfls. I know that a HPS wouldnt be a good idea for that box (2.5 ft)because of the light intensity and also they get hot too but I was simply stating that for the wattage hes pushing he could get such a better results from a more suitable light.
Damn jimbo thats a nice looking indica you got there....what is it the leaves are crazy jagged like a weopon or something!?
its super silver haze :bigjoint: 20 days old in that pic i think


okay tommorrow im going to go out and get me some new CFL's by the way what does the K mean on the lights and whats a y splitter

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
K stands for kelvin. The higher the kelvin the better for vegging. 6400K is the best, you will notice it will almost look like blue light. 2700K is your usuall CFL, these are ok for flowering periods, is is an orange/red light. 2700K is also called "warm white" or "red" were as 6400K can be called "daylight" "cool white" or "blue" A y splitter is a scoket that attatches into your existing light socket, yet makes 2 lamp holders or 4 lamp holders, sort of like a plug board but for light bulbs. bulb splitter/29842/ef9c_1.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea bro kelvin is the measurment of the color/heat of the light. i think most people learned about the rainbow in like middleschool and they mention ROYGBIV (red,orange,yeollow,green,blue,indigo,violet). kelvin is the spectrum,or color. lower the kelvin is the closer to red,orange you get. the higher the kelvin the more blue,indigo u get. on the box of cfls itll say the kelvin. usually by where it says how manny watts. but you want mostly red/orange(2700k) for flowering and mostly blue(5600k) for vegg.


Its the next day and these are the lights i came up with.. the 2 red ones are 26 vwatt CFL's i dont know the kelvins i cant find it anywhere and the cool blue one is a 10 watt one. also i have the 4 12 watt ones that glow more red than blue. I didnt go buy these i got them for free. also how long do these last ( the bulbs) .

