My First Grow


Active Member
hi everyone im growin my very first plant an though i'd share it with you all. its a cheap man grow i'm using led grow lights a £2 mini fan and a bucket lol well i planted my seed after germinating it on the 27th june its now about 3 inch big. im really excited lol cant wait for 8 weeks time so i can smoke it lol oh by the way im growin russian rocket fuel auto-flowering if i can i'll try get some pics up ive been takin a pic a day since i planted it lol i'll probs start takin 1 a week from sunday well i'll keep you updated


Well-Known Member
good luck man, my blue mystic autoflower popped up yesterday and it's pretty much the size of yours. except mine has purple on it...dunno how that's gonna work out haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah these autoflowers grow pretty fast. I left mine for 3 days, went to the beach :), and it grew A LOT. Staying short tho. Get some more pics up, I'd like to see your baby :)


Active Member
yer they do lol im waitin 4 a week or so be4 i take more pics so theirs a big change lol but i will def have some up soon :)


Well-Known Member
Not looking to good bro. You need better lighting asap. Move the light closer. She's really stretching.


Active Member
i moved the lights closer a couple of days ago i thought they might be a bit far away. im usin led lights tho so that might be the problem but i cant afford to use cfl :(


Well-Known Member
CFL's arent too expensive and at your stage you only need one Daylight bulb and a decent reflector. Once it gets bigger you'll need more, but that should take a couple of weeks. What wattage is your LED? It seems like unless you have like 90 watts, they're not AS effective.


Active Member
i know to buy a cfl its not too expensive but its the running cost not to sure of the watts think its pretty low tho under 90w for def to be honest i wasnt expecting that much from them but thought i'd give it a go the only place i can grow is in my attic so i cant have a big heat source or i'll be busted lol the choppers are always flyin around in my area. she looks good to me but then again i dont really know wot its suppose to look like lol


Well-Known Member
You can get the nutes at your local hydro shop. You'll need grow nutes and bloom nutes, there are alot out there, just pick the one you feel is best.


Active Member
my set up.jpgmy set up2.jpgmy set up 3.jpg
this is my set up let me talk you through it: :)

225 Led grow lights (60no Blue 465 Nanometer Wavelength & 165no Red 650 Nanometer Wavelength)

1 cfl 15w 975 lumin 2700 warm white

30Ltr bucket

home gardener multi-purpose compost

cardboard surround lined with tin foil


a big fan (theres two small fans in the pic these are ones that have failed lol ie the motors burnt out lol) in the second photo their two slits in the cardboard surround these are for the fan (so a breeze can get in)

some nutes (which im not usin yet)

tap water spray bottle (guna buy 5Ltr Mineral water 2moz well put it on my jobs work account lol)

well thats it lol not to excitin but hopefully it will do the job :joint::)

a quick question whats the best temp for growin?

ive read around an it differs from post to post some ppl say between 20-25 C (68-78 F) and others say 27-30 C (80-86 F) or is it fine between 20-30 C (68-86 F) aslong as its constant


Well-Known Member
Yeah it needs to be pretty constant or it might tress the plant. Females like cooler temps, i wouldn't go below 72 though personally. my temps stay around 74-78. I'm really pleased about it :). What's your light sched by the way? I'm doing 24/0 for veg and 20/4 for flower most likely. I think the dark period is useful for producing trichs, i think...could be wrong. Also yo'll want to have the air directly hitting the plant when it gets bigger so that it'll strengthen the stems.


Active Member
cool cool well at the mo my temp is hovering around 78-81 F i think the should be ok she seems healthy enough :)