My First Grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, it helps with drainage. You want your soil to dry out in a timely manner so your roots will grow bigger searching for water. Bigger roots=bigger plant=bigger buds


Active Member
hmm sounds good ive got some rocks in the bottom of the bucket to help with drainage, how would i go about addin perlite without stressin her out to much? or should i leave for now an do it right on my next grow?


Well-Known Member
I would probably just do it on the next grow. I don't mix my soil so i'm not exactly sure but I think you would have to dig up most of the dirt and mix it in, which would stress the fuck out of it haha. We live and we learn, no biggie.


Active Member
lol yer ive learnt loads in the past 2 weeks an theres lots i wont be doin again lol an lots a will be doin instead lol yer we do live and learn :P i'll def be alot better on my next grow lol


Active Member
indeed lol since i started all ive been doin is researchin how 2 grow etc lol an my gf is gettin pissed off that im spendin more time with my baby an on the net (research about growin) instead of spendin time with her lol


Well-Known Member
hahaha! your bud won't let you fuck soo...set your priorities dude. I know what you mean though. I think researching and actually growing is more addictive than actually smoking. I'm on here most of the day too. I like to check up on my baby every like 6 hours or so, she's growin pretty steadily.


Active Member
lol i know but i do give her my attention when i get some lol i only check my plant about 3 times a day but im on here quite alot but its only cuz im just startin up an i dont know alot so need ppl like you to guide me :P lol but wen ive got a bit more experience i wont be on here a much so hopefully that will mean less ear ache haha


Well-Known Member
haha yeah man. after a lot of reading it all starts to sound the same. alot of people have the same questions so you just kinda learn the best ways to grow because more experienced growers will share their ideas.


Well-Known Member
She is looking good, although it looks like her growth rate is slower than it should be. Have you started any nutes?


Active Member
i thought the same an no not yet lots of ppl say dont start till week 3 do you recon i should start with some very small amounts now?


Well-Known Member
do your cotyledons look like they're dying? You might want to start at a very low dose with grow nutes. I don't want your shit to get burned tho so i don't know. There's a risk but


Active Member
hmm? do i dont i lol an i dont think they're dyin but i'll have to double check i might put i tiny amount in my water shes ready to water tomorrow anyway so i might

*EDIT* ive just check her an her cotyledons are still very green an much alive ive just mix 1ml maybe 2ml of nutes into 5ltrs of water, it sed to put 15ml into 7ltrs so i think she'll be alright i check the soil it was pretty much dry so i've watered her now there shouldnt be any nute burn or damage but i wont know til tomorrow

peace out an happy tokin :joint::roll: