My First Grow!


Active Member
Oh yer what i did was get a cardboard box and newspaper and I cut all the leafes off that didn't have crystals on then I pit them in one pile then all the leafs that's had crystals on I put in another pile I did this with all the stalks took about half hour max :( then I got a bit of dole rail and pierce it through both sides of the box so I could individually hang each bud with some string there's better way but I cut them off the main stalk wrong someone said if you cut it at the stem so it has a hook like shape at the end then tie a bit of string from each side off the box then hang them off the string but I didn't think it was secure enough. I also seen that you want to put them in a dark place to dry. I've got mine at 40% humidity and around 24oc they've been drying for 30 hours and are still damp it's just awaiting game now


Active Member
No sorry I can't upload pics ATM Ive moved into a new house I need to get a landline put in. And the mother in law has broken her ankle so cant get pics on at hers without her seeing she knows what's going on but she would kick my head in if she new I use her comp lol


Active Member
No sorry I can't upload pics ATM Ive moved into a new house I need to get a landline put in. And the mother in law has broken her ankle so cant get pics on at hers without her seeing she knows what's going on but she would kick my head of she new I use her comp lol
That's a shame, I am so happy I didn't harvest, the bud seems to be spreading more now then ever. But I shall stick to giving ph'd water and no nutes. I planted the next fast bud in the soil today, it had about inch long root coming out. I'll be germinating some bag seed shortly as well.


Active Member
Germinating a bag seed tonight, this bag seed will be my experiment plant. I will be topping and LST'ing the bad seed and LST'ing my newest fast bud.


Well-Known Member
yeah you like LST now huh? and who turned you onto it lol. your girl is looking good man, one big cola. If anyone wishes to see what A fast bud #2 can do, hit up my thread. Started to flower at day 13 or 14 can't remember, I plan on chopping around day 70-75.


Active Member
Napa's has a great example of an LST and his auto is amazing! I hope I can achieve something like that with my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm honored! I was jk in the previous post though, didn't mean to come off like a dick if i did. I can't remember, did you say your new seed popped up yet? any pics?


Active Member
Haha I took a hint of it but I gotcha man ;) My new seed will probably be out of the soil by tomorrow morning. I put it pretty deep in because I want it real nice and rooted in good. I plan on LST'ing @ week 2 and topping and LST'ing my bag seed which I am germinating tonight.


im also growin autos fast bud guna go with 18/6 right throo canna terra vega , canna terra florres and maybe canna terra boost i wanna try get as much bud as i can realy as do we all im under a 400w hps light extracot intake ph about 6.4 what sorta yield shud i be hoping for also got sum blue widdow on the go wich is in the veg stage while i grow the autos then 12/12 for that hope fully it will be a beast !! sort of amounts shud i be lookin at for the blue widow 2 month veg and its says 55-60 days flowering


Well-Known Member
no one can tell you how much you will yield. Don't ask people that, you'll most likely be called a newbie or something like that lol. Yield is affected by so many variables. Light, pot size, temperature, how much you water, nutrients you use. I can tell you this though. Bend your plant over as much as you can. The light will reach more of the bud sites and with the 400W HPS I guarantee they will get just as big as the main stem if not bigger. Looks like you've done your research though. My neighbor is growing a blue widow freebie i gave him. Shit's getting tall. Good luck craigieford.


Active Member
All my other seeds took 2 days to sprout, I will give this one until tomorrow morning before I go on a search and rescue mission!


Well-Known Member
Wait, patience lol. 2 days is pretty damn quick. it can take up to a week. My friend had a bagseed that he's growing. it took over a week to sprout up. I thought it was gonner, but no. Are you sure you put it the right way? I took some time off from growing and tried starting up again this summer. Took a couple seeds cause i kept planting them upside down. I felt like such a dumbass lol. This fast bud #2 was the one to get right though!


Active Member
Wait, patience lol. 2 days is pretty damn quick. it can take up to a week. My friend had a bagseed that he's growing. it took over a week to sprout up. I thought it was gonner, but no. Are you sure you put it the right way? I took some time off from growing and tried starting up again this summer. Took a couple seeds cause i kept planting them upside down. I felt like such a dumbass lol. This fast bud #2 was the one to get right though!
Lol, which way was I suppose to plant it again 0_o...


Well-Known Member
root-tip down. some people say root side up if you plant right after the root pops out. Apparently it's supposed to curve back downward. I've had the opposite happen. They develop underground but the root takes a long time to figure out it needs to go down. It ends up being too weak to lift above ground. I've germinated the fast bud and my friend's blue widow by presoaking in water, then paper towel method til the root gets a bit longer, and then planting root tip down. The fast bud popped in about a day. The blue widow in about 2.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was dumb for doing that. I had taken a break from growing for a bit and when i came back, i had forgotten which way i normally do it. wasted a couple seeds figuring it out