My First Grow

I bought a snow white clone from a dispensary down here in socal. I was away from my house for a week and left it to be taken care of by a family member, during that time it was not feed just watered. When I returned I immediately put in fox farms soil and saw signs of nute burn. I have it outside getting direct sunlight, but it has been warm around high 80's, I think thats why the leaves are curling, but main concern is the new growth looking deformed. Also it is showing some catalyx growth, but I'm wondering if I should throw it back under fluorescent lights, or just keep her outside? I am also in the process of getting another clone, more than likely blue cheese. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Leave it outside you dont wanna stress it anymore than it already is
it'll start growing better just give it time


Well-Known Member
dnt wry about the deformed growth after it grows a little bit itll start looking more and more normal and yes leave it out plants grow better in the natural sunlight ( in my opinion)
alright thanks. I just didn't know if it was ph deficiency or what. If it is showing pre flowers how long until it goes full into flowering?