my first grow


hey guys. this is my first time posting on this site, let alone any site, any ways, i hope i get the reaction and replies im looking for.

so im starting my first grow next spring. it'll be an outdoor grow.
i live in central florida and i just wanted to know what are the best strains to grow in florida in the outdoors. what soil to use. if i should use pots or just plant in the earth. outdoor techniques. and just any advice you guys have to share.


what are the best strains to grow in florida in the outdoors.
I don't live in Florida yet alone America but honestly you should just ask what are the best strains in that part of the world I think or even ask what are the best out doors. Im no expert and i've only been growing for 2 maybe 2 and a half years now and Im a newbie blah blah...

I honestly think anything could be good but there will be 1000000 other people out there telling you what specifically because there are some crazy enthusiasts out there. Im doing my first time successful grow (so far) and Im just passing day 50-something indoor in an aerogarden with blueberry seeds and next I'll start on some Moby Dick and my Great White Shark. I think you should find a seed bank and see what they say because they usually have references and info on the strains so read a little and search a little and really get into :D


thank for replying
and yea i did some research last night and found a nirvana kaya gold strain. it look pretty good to me. sativa dominant. imune to harsh weather. easy grow.
so i got that out of the way.
I also live in Florida, but im doing a indoor closet grow at the moment, im in the process of germinating my seeds. Ive wanted to try a outdoor growing but the weather is unpredictable around where i live. I would recommend planting them in rather large pots just in case a storm happens to come by, it could cause fatal damage to your crop. There are many different strains you could use though just check out some of the different strains online. And about the soil just go to your local walmart and pick up some regular soil.