my first grow


Well-Known Member
I just got a 90W UFO off a guy from Craigslist for $70, a great deal however its just to supplement my 400W HID, FYI: You'll get really good vegetative growth with LED's but unless you have 100 watts of led per sq ft your buds won't be near what an HPS will produce. Don't get me wrong here as LED's will produce fat, sticky, gooey buds, if you have enough LED wattage that is and from what Ive heard you'll need about 100 watts per sq ft to achieve results comparable to HID, this I heard from an experienced, seasoned grower.
I through in a couple pics of my White Widow mother under my 400W HID and 90W LED, she just gave up 15 clones which are in the humidity dome as you can see, today is day 7 and 6 of them have very healthy white tap roots poking out of the jiffy pellets, just a few more days and they'll go into 1 gal pots with a super-soil mix, ooh I'm soooo excited!!!!



Active Member
1 week into flowering. I changed the 6500k CFL's to 2700K. I also started using the 2 part Sensi Bloom.



Active Member
My master kush turned out to be male, so I killed it with fire. :( however these two are turning out great. the one on the right is super skunk, and the one on the left is the white widow. 2 weeks into flower.



Active Member
here I am, 3 weeks into flower now. Here's my Sunday pic update.

super skunk on the left, white widow on the right

super skunk tons of buds and lots of white hairs

White widow again lots of bud locations, and a ton of hairs, the leaves are showing trichs also

Super skunk

White Widow


Active Member
her we go. we are finished our 4th week of flower now.

I was away for 5 days this week, seems like they have changed alot.


Well-Known Member
They look really nice man... if i was you i would have the 2 cfl really really close... i have mine around 1.5 inches from the leaves.... look amazing tho...


Active Member
They are fairly close, I move things around for pictures. This Sunday I will do a big update with some pics of how the room is setup during the light phase, and some nice close ups of some buds and each plant. These things look more impressive every day. And the super skunk smells really amazing. The white widow has a good smell too, but not as amazing as the super skunk.


Active Member
i was in there doing some watering and i couldn't help it i took some quick pics to show off.

Super Skunk

and the White Widow



i beleive the crappy tire fan is a 10CFM think that is enough?. Note there is little odour from plants when they r that size. I am inclined to get a 60 cfm adjustable and play with it. Same carbon idea.


Active Member
yeah there is little to no smell outside the tent, but i might still upgrade to a better fan.a basic inline fan should do.


Active Member
finished our 5th week of flower, going into week 6. Super skunk will start on molasses this week, then we will see where she is at in 2 weeks. and White Widow will get one more round of nutes, then molasses for 2 weeks.

Heres this weeks pics.

The White Widow

The Super Skunk
