My First grow


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first grow. This is using CFL's in a growbox.

4 23w Daylight CFL's Veg
2 40w SoftWhite Flowering.

Temps are still high even with the addition of a 80cfm fan, temps peak at 95F Low at night is 75.

3 days after Germ.


7 Week after Germ.


10 day


14 days


19 days


Day 1 Flower


Day 3 Flower


Day 6 Flower

Just thought i'd start a journal as suggested by other members.

Simple Rubbermaid 36L clamshell.

All links say error but they all work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for looking Coolman.

Been using CO2 the whole time :D So temps havn't been that bad. A 1L warm water 1 tablespoon of Yiest, and 1cup of Sugar last almost 2 weeks with daily to 2 day shakes. Since i upgraded my box i've been having higher temp problems than in my small enclosure. But just added plexglass last night to seperate the lights from the plants, intake/output in the area, and fresh air coming in from the bottom.

Carbon filter is still a concern of mine though, i made one about 2" thick 4" wide tube. Packed with ground up activated carbon for fishtanks. Works decently, but is impeading airflow raising temps. I just took it out and last i checked temp was at steady 87F, before around 93-94F

Will update later tonight with new pictures from day 8 flower.

Just wanted to add from my observations, growth all but slows to a stop after temps go above 95 for extended periods, i havn't seen much if any heavy growth above 95F, between 85-95 its fairly nice. Havn't been able to get below 85 for even a minute with lights on, night temps last night dipped down to 66F, which is a first. Temps have been 75 nightly, and 90-95 daily. I hope to get them to 85 if possible, though the higher temps are working to my advantage some, giving me longer to grow them, allowing myself to be out of town hopefully for a full week.


Well-Known Member
Wait so what exactly are you usin as a setup, im using 2 rubbermaid tubs do you think plexiglass can work me if i put it on the to where the lights are? I havent cheked the temp on mine yet since i put in 3 frozen water bottles by 1 intake fan, hopefully itll be at most 92. Where did you get this plexiglass? do they have it at walmart? Cus its a good idea to separat the growing area from the lights area and now you got me interested:-)


Well-Known Member
Well after 3hrs of no checking and leaving it at ambient temp. Its at a consistant 89F. Which is liveable, and will do for now. I took the filter off and temps easily dropped 4-5F since. So the filter was impeading airflow heavily.

As far as does the plexi help, hell yea. I have a little peep window up top, inside the plexi area and its warm, you can feel it on your face when you look in, otherwise inside the plant chamber its at 89F. I'm going to look for another thermometer to compare temps in both areas. But i definently think its worth it, keep the hot air up high, and away from the plants......large outputs pulling air across the lights and out. Definently works...

Will follow up later with pics.


Well-Known Member
The plexi i got was at Lowes, look in the acrylic and sign area. It was 1/8" at 3ft x2ft and was $6.

Temp is still at 89. This is almost perfect. Next i need to incorporate the filter and keep the temp at the same place......thtas the difficulty.


Well-Known Member
Todays update with pictures added.

This is the bottom half of my clamshell type box. There propped up on a 2" cinderblock for weighted bottom, as well as a pair of 6" deep cardboard boxes.

Seen next is the Lights, 4 26w daylights (blue) on the outside, soft white 40w Reds on the inside. On the right is the output Duct fan, on the left is the pushing 80mm cpu fan. Plexi is 6" from the roof.

I'm going to need to start training the heads here soon. There getting longer than i had anticipated, probobly because of the distance away from the lights, but its all i can do to keep temps down. what can i do for the heads themselves?


Well-Known Member
i know you've had problems cooling and im having the same, but check out the huge vent i got for my rubbermaids at my grow haha, its pretty intense :P


Well-Known Member
Dam thats big! is it loud? is that the emergency blanket you got on the insides, from the sportig goods section?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good guys, any luck with the cool down yet Monkee?

Those little babies are lookin good Coolman.

Update today with some pics....

Decided i was going to start controlling the heads hopefully and keep them all the same height with a SCRoG styled grow. I know i should have had the plant in veg for the implementation of the Screen but can i still train it during flower, just to keep it under control. Screen as seen in picture is about 1.25sq ft. 2.5-3" home made mesh with foam core, and galvinized wire. Is galvinized fine or will it put minerals into the plant? Could i even reveg the plant a little longer to fill up the screen then go back into flower?

Neway hope it looks good for day 9 flower. Its screen off center so i can pull all the heads into the center, and allow the smaller guy in the top right to still get light and have some room. Height is at 10" total.

Still waiting for sex.......temps are getting lower and lower thank god. I also took out the weakest of the 2 others i had in there. It was strong physically in stem, etc but almost all leaves were yellowing and turning up at the edges so i'm planning on keeping the greener one thats doing very well. When i first planted him her the taproot did a curly que so it dosent stand up well, but when it gets a little larger i'm going to stake it and tie it up to build strength.

How much longer you think before sex shows on the big one......i think she's a girl but just don't know. As its had small hairs at the node areas since day 10 probobly in veg. But no for sure sex organs yet. But temps are very good now so speed may ramp up quick in the next few days.



Well-Known Member
Thanks MetalSmelter, its my first grow and i really hope it all goes through, maybe one day itll look like yours:-)I hope:-)


Well-Known Member
Just going to update with temp and baught some nutes today. Temps are steady 82-87F. makes me happy. Temp in apt is 82F.

I looked on fox farms website and they have no local vendors so i just got some high Phosphate mix. Went with the Expert Gardener 10-52-10 mix. Is this too strong for budding, high phosphate helps with bloom production and all, what strength should i start with when i rewater, something like 1/5th of what they recommend??? I also got the makings for a new filter, so hopefully this will work right and keep the cab cool as well..

Also wondering about UVB lights. I watched the video by marijuana man suggesting UVB around 550nm, so i got a reptile light ~$10, and thought i'd try it since my box is sitting around 82F today, all 6 lights. No filter.....not a clue.

But do these UVB's really work and make the CBNs convert to THC making the plants stronger??? Any truth to the matter?



Active Member
interesting theory....anybody have any concrete input?? and nice grow man, true pothead ingenuity. im on my frst as well. where can u find those adaptors for the light socket that allows u to plug 2 cfls into it....its the one thing i havnt been able to find, tried home depot more than once, but maybe I just couldnt find it.
Do u know if its too late to lst once ur into just into 12/12 for a couple days so far


Well-Known Member
I'm in 12/12 for 9 days started on the 1st. i don't think LST at any point would be bad, just gotta be gradual in flower.......I only tied down the heads slightly to allow a little lower profile, mabey allow more light on the inside. Still no sign of sex yet.

Those Y adapters you can find in walmart, near the lights section, extension or lamp cords, etc. Also at lowes, there in the plugs section, like wall outlets etc plugs, never looked in HD.

Temps are steady 82F today, even with the 26W UVB i have on it as well, temps havn't risen at all.


Well-Known Member
Nice, you got the temps to the perfect range, have you done any research on the effect of UVB lights on plants? It definetly cant hurt i know that, unless the get sunburn:-)


Well-Known Member
I've done quite the bit of research, i'm a heavy researcher and reader naturally if something intrests me, My link seen here to a thread i started a few hrs ago....

I love the feeling of a sunburn, gotta have a few per yr, but my corneas don't really like it, its liek looking into a welding arc.

But yes temps have leveled off nicely. Added my circulation fan, took out all other plants except my other healthy plant, and added more c02. :D Temps still at a steady 82F Thank god. And thats with all 7 lights on. I did think about swapping a daylight out for another 40W 6700k red, 3 and 3. Will probobly just do a good hr on up to fulltime use as the plant gets nearer to harvest. Hopefully convert more CBNs to THC.

Intresting stuff.


Well-Known Member
should i be able to sex by eye?? Or do i need a magnifier? I think it should have sexed already but not yet, do i need absolute dark 12 day after day for quickest or should it just naturally transfer even if i was at 18/6 or what??

Just a little update, ran the UVB light for about 30 mins on friday, then subsequently the last hr of the day for the night. I think the plant is loving it, i'd like to ween it up to 12/12 with it on/off, with the additional red. See if i can get some dankity fkn dank goin on.

Had to go out of town over the weekend, briefly, so they were unatended for about 36hrs, sex still is not apparent. My camera also has no macro type picture either, i can only zoom in so far :( upon my return i watered it with a 1/8teaspooon per 1/2gal, and only used a 1/4gal on the plant. The nute solution i have is the expert gardner, 10-52-10, it seems to be reacting very nicely to it. Also briefly ran the UVB today at around 20 mins half way through the day, and now going on an hr during the last hr similar to sunset.


Also wonder wtf is happening below my screen. Some of my leaves are pitting, are they dying??? is this bad? for the overall plant?



Well-Known Member
Just updating some a new pic and temp reports.

Temps are at 85 tops with carbon filter i made from carboard box, carbon, and filter padding. Starting to train the heads to follow horizontally the screen i errected for a scrog styled approach.

I simply used metal bag ties, similar to bread ties, and burlap to attach them to the screen the pull in another direction, then tapeing the burlap to the outside edge. Is working well and inner nodes are getting alot of light.

Under my screen whats going to happen??? There are small leaves coming in on my head branches near the bottom, but there very small, will buds form on these as well??

What do i need to do to prune the bottom for proper air flow, as you can see in the pic above its rather cramped to a degree.

Anyway new pic to anyone out there that cares....
