My First grow


Well-Known Member
And your temps were still 85-95F?

I'm using 2 40w reds and a 23w blue, and it was at 95F.

I'm really trying to get this to work very well without having to put damn ice in everyday, cause as soon as i need to leave for a day, temps will shock the hell out of her......and thats already been a problem. I'm going to mess around tommorrow with rearranging the top, and mabey taking out the shelf Or configuing the fans someother way to work alot better.....Just at a loss as what to do, besides getting a powered chiller of some sort.

1gallon of ice drops temps down to 81F daily which is awesome, but not when i leave!! From 98F with 3 40w reds. Currently at 95F with 2 40w reds and a 23w blue.

Monkee did you just have them hanigng in the tent or what.....i gotta get this shit fixed soon, or this next grow is gonna end up the same way as this one did, stressed all to fk and back.


Well-Known Member
put a bigger exhaust fan on it... bigger as in more CFM. cycle the air faster and it wont have a chance to get hot.


Well-Known Member
you have to remember i got a lot more space then you, and a high powered fan

put 2 fans in there and temps like 95 wont matter


Well-Known Member
Yea i knew your tent area was alot larger than mine, i'm working with about a 16"x30". You prolly 3'x3 if not more.
Do you think 2 of the inline fans 78cfm (1) like i already have would be good enough? 1 completely for the lights another for the chamber? I have corners cut out on the plexy to pull air from the chamber, but the heat may just be coming down.

Its sitting at 84F with lights off....and been off for 3.5hrs. Ambient is that temp.

Money pitt.


Well-Known Member
If you put an exhaust for the lights and the chamber you should be able to drop the temps a good bit

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
i couldnt make a guess on if that would be enough air replacement to cool your tank... only one way to know for sure ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea i know, but i'd really like to fix this without dropping any more cash on it....this is becoming way too expesnive and i've yet to reap anything in return.......Not my ideal growing conditions at all....

I need to figure out how to do this without spending anymore.


Well-Known Member
Well i've gotten the box down to 93F, no ice. 2 23w blue and a 40w red......

This reading is at the bottom of the box, is this too hot though, i'm not gonna be able to get below 87F though daily without using ice or something else, Temp in apt is 84, my basil box/catnip/clone veg chamber is sitting at 87F 1 23w blue no air movement or anything, if its getting daily 87-93F do you think that i should be able to still have a decent grow after they acclimate.

I do know that plants do acclimate over time, so keeping it at a somewhat higher temp daily instead of the occasional shock i hope will keep thigns going ok....... and during my first grow temps of 100f+ at first, then down to 95f+ for a while, then i started using ice, got her down to 80-85F for a few weeks, left for a weekend, then temps back up to 95-100F. If i can keep a daily temp of 93F, ya think the plant will acclimate well to it, and still flower.....

Cause i know shocking it temperture wise stresses them, and probobly delayed her flowering...

Temps at night are 80F..... inside the box with lots of circulation.


Well-Known Member
the plants dont like triple digits for temps, but they grow fine in them... perfect world versus reality ;)

it aint like they will burst into flames at anything over 85 F.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea i know, just don't want to run into an issue like i had last time, temps in the 80's for weeks then i leave, peaks at 98F or so.......For a day or two then back to the mid 80's. Just want to keep them in a happy medium for as long as possible....Box is sitting at 82F right now, closed no lights on, night time.


Well-Known Member
Haha......... thats a bummer....haha. Gotta remember to check links when i post them to make sure they work lol. :mrgreen:

:joint: 1 for you good sir!