My first grow


Well-Known Member
well this is my first grow and since i really have no clue what im doin im just usin some seeds I got from a bag well i was home. i only thought 1 or 2 seeds would grow and now that i look i have 15 plants coming up maybe more. the question i have is most of them are coming up right next to each other so i was wondering how long should i wait to transplant them to there own planter


Well-Known Member
I'd do it when they have 2 or 3 nodes. So after the first 4 or so days out of the ground. With that many plants around each other they are going to tangle they're roots beyond repair.

Transplanting like this so early you might loose some of them but it's worth it in the long run. You probably dont have enough light for 15 plants anyways

Good luck


Well-Known Member
so im not gonna hurt the plants if i transplanted them tonight. and your right i dont even have close to enough light for 15 plants


Well-Known Member
Just be as gentle as possible and save as many roots from each plant as you can.

They're going to go in to shock and not grow for a few days. Some of them will probably die as well.


Well-Known Member
so i just got done transplanting my plants and it seemed to go well i got all the roots
and did it as quick and gently as i could so now do i just wait or is there something i need to do?


Well-Known Member
nope just wait buddy, you'll know within two days if even, if they will die or be ok. Hope you made the soil nice and fluffy by adding perlite unless it already had it in it. Show us pics :) and gluck. I guess if the soil was dry when you transplanted, give them a watering.


Well-Known Member
i will get some pics up after i go home again. i forgot my camera there last time i was home and the cam on my phone i trash. but i should have some pics up within the next week.i just really hope i didnt screw this up


Well-Known Member
so i went a got a camera from a friend of the families so i will upload picks and i would like any advice anyone can give me on how things look right now. I do have a question. do you need you plants in a smaller area when growing or can i have them just in the corner of my closest?


Well-Known Member
It doesnt matter where your plants are really as long as tey're getting what they need. Especially light and fresh air.

BTW did you give a little water to your plants when you transplanted them?


Well-Known Member
Well man just from looking at the pics (its kind of early to tell) it looks like you're going to have some good results after transplanting.

If thats how far your lights are normally then move them closer!!!! 1-2 inches for CFLs
If you moved the lights to take pics then ignore me :)


Well-Known Member
no thats normally where they are. so i will find a way to get them closer. thanks for all your help. i have a feeling im gonna be asking for alot of it. i dont really know much about plants other than they are in dirt. im am only running 3 lights right now. will that work till i can afford my lights or is gonna be hard on the plants?


Well-Known Member
This early on it will work. You'll probably want a few more within a week

By the time u flower you'll want probably 200w per plant (200w actual, not equivalent. like a 42w CFL bulb is a 200w equivalent)

I started my 2 sprouts under one 13w cfl

Do you have any details on your lights? What are their wattage
Do you know their Kelvin rating? And if you dont do you know if they're 'daylight'; 'cool white'; 'warm white' or 'soft white'??


Well-Known Member
ok i am using cactus dirt. with 3 daylight 120 watt lights. not sure about the
kelvin rating. didnt know to check that out. so im probley gonna want atleast 3 more lights then cuz i want to cut it down to 3 plants


Well-Known Member
Well you got lucky you picked daylight bulbs for vegetative. That is exactly what you want. If you care they have a 6500K rating.

3 more lights would be good. You can get some Y adapters from home depot or whatever to double your sockets


Well-Known Member
would that really work? and what is the difference between day light and cool white?


Well-Known Member
Yes, everyone uses them..

They're Y adapters that turn 1 socket in to 2 sockets.

I've got 4 of em

Cost about $1.50 each