My first grow


New Member
This is my first grow. I used CFL lights the whole time. Currently about 8 weeks into flowering. Was wondering if everything looked good and how much longer I should let it go before harvesting?

sorry the pictures are upside down. Not sure why the hell it did that.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
take the best closeup pic of the trichromes you can and post it. looking good for first grow. nice and green. it is going into the last weeks of flowing. happy smoking! GL

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
very nice looking plant. nice frost, trichs look cloudy, maybe go for just a little amber in some. what strain is it? heres a pic that should help ya.
Very nice looking there! i believe we will be harvesting around the same time. I'll be keeping an eye out for your harvest. Do you plan to weigh any of it?


New Member
Very nice looking there! i believe we will be harvesting around the same time. I'll be keeping an eye out for your harvest. Do you plan to weigh any of it?
I'm going to weigh all of it. I'm curious to see how much the plant will yield since I let it grow to 2 feet before putting it on 12/12 lighting. I'm letting my cheese get to 1 foot before switching light times to compare the difference

Po boy

Well-Known Member
is she a regular or auto blueberry? i just got some auto seeds from DP and will be sowing in a couple of weeks. she's looking better and better. grow on!