my first grow


Well-Known Member
i have two pictures here to generalize how i am going to turn a room into a grow room. i was just wondering opinions. i have CFLs like a total of 36,000 ish lumens, around 420 watts (not comparable watts actual used watts) on the clone plants (5 plants) for a space of about 3.5ft x 4ft x cieling (but i am going to put mylar on a flat box and put that just over the lights to help reflectiveness so the light doesn't have to go all the way to the cieling before it is reflected). and 85 watts, 8600 lumens for the mother plant in a box that will go to the cieling and be about 1.5ft x 1.5ft x cieling (same thing use a mylar covered flat box a few inches above the lights).

i am looking for any suggestions. i know people say use hps or whatnot but this is what i got. i actually got most of it from a friend who upgraded to a, damn what do you call it? when you harvest every two weeks? with four different grow rooms and each one is a different stage of light/ppm. oh and oh the thing i am forgetting what it is called you never do veg, you go straight into flower (12/12) for like 8 weeks. but you know what i'm talking about, damn it's on the tip of my tounge. that's going to piss me off.

but anyway, i am really worried as some people say cfl's don't have enough light and what not. so i am trying to calculate the best way to hang the lights and setup the room for doing all this. i want to use as much light as possible, but am limited on my budget so really i just want to beable to possition the ones i have in the best possible place ya know?

like i said any suggestions help.




Active Member
your friend harvest every two weeks? where does he live i need to move in next door to him.................lmao


Well-Known Member
ya no shit i wish i lived next to him. he uses like his whole basment though and has thousands of dollars of exhaust and uses co2 cans etc etc. his grow room is totally pimped out. there is a fucking sweet reality show i would like to see on tv, "Pimp My Grow Room". lol

And sadly i don't live next to him anymore i moved far away. hence the reason why i want to grow, the guy that hooked me up with $30 $40 ounces of wicked ass shit. he actually gave me 13 buckets for the dwc but i am afraid i don't have enough light. he only gave me the cfl's he had, i think he went to hps or something i forget.


Well-Known Member
fuck HPS to expensive for ghetto growers lol. CFL's are good bro but to make the plants flower you need 5000k red spectrum "simulates daylight" 12/12/ yes people flower from the seedlings prolly dont get much fruit.

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Lookin good I wish more people took time to do this! Co2?, charcoal filter? Dont be afraid to pour money into the room it will be better in the long run! The term you are looking for is "the sea of green method"


Well-Known Member
that's it sea of green, or SoG.

what do you think of my blueprints for my setup?

and i believe i should have the necessary reds, my friend told me half of the lights were for flowering (focusing on red) and the other half veg (focusing on blue). although i am going to use them at the same time because i am so worried about the cfl light not penetrating enough for good photosynthesis.

i mean 6 of my cfl's are freaking huge. these aren't the kind you would have in a lamp at the office they are like almost a foot long and the tubing is very thick.

i am just worried, i hope the mylar helps. but i don't want my first grow to come out for shit ya know. i am keeping a log of common mistakes and problems along with recomended growth tactics like where to keep the ph and temp and humidity and what not. i will look at my "CHEAT SHEET" any time i do anything with the plants just to help me remember common rules of thumb for growing.

but anything you guys can think of to help plz let me know.

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Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
your doing fine! Dont give yourself a heartattack over it though. The only thing that will help you out is saying to yourself "Screw the man just do it" and have fun with it Ive been exactly where you are right now! Wait until outdoor you will find what anxiety really is! If you need anything let me know!


Well-Known Member
fuckin a man. thanks. see i haven't actually built the room yet. but some of it i thought was genius. i just moved so i have boxes everywhere. so i am going to cut a lot of BIG full sized box in half, stack each half on top of each other and staple them into the walls and cieling. now they won't be load bearing. but they will detour someone from knowing what i'm doing in there if they open the door for a quick look. plus i am a computer guy so i am just going to say all that noise is the fans to keep the servers and routers cool.

but only half of the box walls will look fancy. the other wall that you can't see if you open the door will just be a big mattress box splayed open and flat. i did this because my door to the grow will be cut out from the big matress box, and then i will hook hang a blanket in front to help stabalize the rooms smell and air conditions (humidity, temp, etc).

i know i am over thinking this. but i read so many crappy first yields. and i know i am actually thinking about what and where everything goes (which most first timers seem to just grow it like they don't care, ie no nutes, no real system of lights, didn't think it through, etc).

i mean if i can read a bedtime story to it everynight about "The Little Majiuana Convoy of Trucks that Could" then i will. but to be honest with some of the crap grows as first times some people don't even put up reflective surfaces (while indoors ofcourse).

oh and also i went back and called my friend he gave me 705 watts of CFL (ACTUAL WATTAGE USED NOT COMPARITIVE) comparitive to like 2400 ish watts of incandescents, which hold i think it was 36,600 lumens. oh and by the way for any other first timers readin this, INCANDESCENT IS NOT EQUIVILANT TO HPS OR MH, from what i've read i mean. just for the veg and flower (not seperate but together) of the plants (the five buckets). and 85 watts, comparable to 400ish watts of incandescents, at 8600 lumens just for the mother in a seperate box. i will be using mylar 2mil. mothers grow space is 1.5ft x 1.5ft, and the clone space is 4ft ish x 4ft ish. everything mylar!

that's another thing i can't stop reading about this stuff to find time to make the damn room! i keep finding something i didn't know about. like i haven't gotten around to reading about how to prune but i will. i mean pruning makes a bunch of sense from a logical point of view. get better buds since the light and air can get to them easier. actually now that i think about it. i am going to go look up pruning right now on this site. i'm sure i'll find days worth of stuff to read.

i mean i should have a good yield right? i am using good ordered seeds (i haven't decided which kind to start with).

thanks for the help

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Well-Known Member
oh maybe someone can help me. i know it's cuz i am a bit lazy and all, but really i am reading up on different everything and anything right now.

but could someone tell me, so i don't have to look through a couple different posts, about how long the average mother yields GOOD clones. i know i read somewhere that the dna ages even though the mother is kept in a veg state. and the clones show this age by less yields and growth, like getting older is to people i would imagine.

but on average (i know different plants are different, and there are some autoflowering ones meaning you can really only clone them once before they flower and die). but what is a common life of a mother?
