My first horticulture experiment


Well-Known Member
all is looking good, the top buds are all starting to grow together. i'm getting excited. i'll post some pics tonight.

thanks for checking in natmoon


Well-Known Member
hey natmoon, thanks for checking in.
where are you puffpuff?

anyway the waiting game has started, looks like everything is at a stand still, i really can't see any differnce. and she doesn't smell anymore? you've got to bend down and get your nose there to smell her.

the clone that i cut is looking good, i've had her out with my other flowers on the front porch getting plenty of natural sun:peace:



Well-Known Member
everything is going slow, it was like the lights got turned off, no growth at all. other than that they look great. the wife went on vacation and took the camera with her. i'll post some pics when she gets back. maybe it's time to go get a new one.:peace:


Well-Known Member
last night when i mixed a new batch of fertilizer, i mixed the fox farm tiger bloom at 3 tsp to a gallon, she loved it!!! i had been mixing it at 2 tsp per gallon. it damn near looked like they doubled in size over night. i bought a 30x jewelers loop and white stuff that i'm looking to turn brown is pure white, so plenty of growing time left. i'm still giving her a 2 tbs to a gallon molases mix every other feeding. the temps are staying good, between 67 and 75, the humidity has been doing good too, staying around 55% with the lights off and around 35 with the lights on. the olny worry i have is she won't be ready before the heat gets here, the room i have her in is not air conditioned.



Well-Known Member
Still looking good.
When using molasses always check your soil by smelling it.
I have had molasses go off in the soil before,smells like stinky cheese.
This has only ever happened to me once though,i think it may have been because some fluid had been left in the pots drip tray,but always worth checking your soil by its smell,if you don't like the smell chances are your plants don't either:mrgreen:

If you can try adding a few cfls or fluro tubes as side lighting,i have found it works really well in combination with the hps:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
for the last few days the humidity has been hanging around 75 to 80%, with low at 68%. i've done some reading, and i'm to far into the grow to lose everything to high humidity. i've added 2 more fans, but no change. my problem is, that the wash room is connected to my grow space, and the olny fresh air intake that i have. and since my daughter moved back home, that damn washer is going 24/7. what do you guys think. should i make the kid buy me a dehumidifier? or make her go to the laundry mat?


Well-Known Member
well i get back from the home improvment store with a new dehumidifier. she burned up the washing machine while i was gone. i'm not kidding. i knew paying her rent would of been cheaper


Well-Known Member
th dehumidifier has olny been running for an hour and it is down to 35% already, and close to a pint of water in the bucket. i didn't relize how much water was in the air. i'm going to try to keep it close to 30%. what is everyones thoughts on this?

hey nat, thanks for the tip on the molases, smells like nice rich farm dirt.

i told the mrs. about the washer, she's happy!! she wanted a new one anyway



Well-Known Member
along with the dehumidifier making the humidity go down, the temps went up to 92. i've already cured the problem by venting the exhaust.

i've got close to a thousand bucks in this horticulture experiment. i have no idea what i'm going to yeild? i was thinking of how i'm going to remodel the utility room this summer and turn it into a nice indoor garden room. all i really need is some duct to get fresh air in and old air out, and i have that pictured in my head. the joys of being a homeowner. you don't like it? tear it down and fix it the way you want it.

i bought some fox farms big bloom fertilizer this afternoon, i'm going to start feeding her that tommorow night. i'll get some pics posted later on tonight or in the morning.:peace:


Well-Known Member
well the dehumidifier was wasted money, i couldn't get temps under control.
i've added 2 more fans to blow on her, some good air moving fans.
i'm thinking with all air movement, humidity is better than 97 degree heat?
it's already getting hot out here too. that doesn't help any. it was 91 today.
besides all that, she is looking great. just getting fatter and no signs of the trecs turning brown yet, plenty of time for her to fatten up even more.
i'm going to tease abit with the pics. i'll post some next saturday


Well-Known Member
one of you vets give me some input on the temp humidity issue i'm having. i could not find which was the worse of the 2 evils. high temps or high humidity. i'm 7 weeks into flowering, she looks great, i've been going with the high humidity with 3 big fans blowing on her. i'm scared of mold or mildew, i haven't seen any signs of it. it olny got up to 65% today, the low was 50


Well-Known Member
my last 2 weeks while flushing, i was going to run the dehumidifier and deal with the heat. your thoughts on that would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
one of you vets give me some input on the temp humidity issue i'm having. i could not find which was the worse of the 2 evils. high temps or high humidity. i'm 7 weeks into flowering, she looks great, i've been going with the high humidity with 3 big fans blowing on her. i'm scared of mold or mildew, i haven't seen any signs of it. it olny got up to 65% today, the low was 50
I would say high humidity is the worse as it can cause budrot.
High temps might slow the growth slightly and make the buds slightly more fluffy and less dense as the buds expand to allow more air to roll around them to keep them cool.
Hence fluffier buds from high temps or rotten buds from high humidity:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks nat, makes all the sense in the world.
it is alot better now. the high only got up to 49%
the weather had it all messed up for a few days.
i was in there tonight looking at a way to get the fresh air inlet coming from an air conditioned room. it will be a simple move and one i will do when i remodel my closet.
thanks to all you veterans who were looking over my shoulder and pointing me in the right direction, i will build the next room bigger and better. especially you natmoon, pat yourself on the back. you must have good karma around you


Well-Known Member
here are some pics, she is looking great. the temps have been hanging in the low 80's for a high and mid 70's for a low. the humidity has been doing a lot better. in the low 30's, 45 has been the max. must have been the weather. had me worried.

i will be getting 2 6" inline fans tommorow. i've got to get some proper ventilation in there. they have them at the home improvement store for 25 bucks


Well-Known Member
maybe chop her on the 20th? the trichomes are just starting to get an amber glow. i'd say maybe 10%. i would like to get 3 weeks or more growing to fatten her up good