My First Hydro!!!


Active Member
Ok so i spent the majority of today running between Wal-mart, K-mart, and Lowes, Buying/stealing everything i needed to build my own. I only spent $25. I got a tote for my resevoir, a digital temp/humidity meter, a hydrometer, a fish tank thermometer for my resevoir, an air pump, 2-8" air stones, tubing, 10ft of 1" PVC, a bunch of 1" PVC elbows and Ts, a thing to cut PVC, PVC glue, a timer for my lights, a power strip, and yeast and sugar ( I built my own CO2 generator :mrgreen:). I wont be putting it all together until around the 16th of may when I move into my new apartment. After that Ill put up pictures, and maybe do a step-by-step construction incase anyone else wants to try it.


Well-Known Member
Sweet man, you got that pretty cheap, if you don't do a step-by-step at least post some pics of the finished product.

Good luck!


Active Member
Ill definately put up sum pics. yeah I just bought the tote, the PVC and the sugar, everything else i picked up at a five finger discount. I had to make two trips to each store to get everything. Luckily for me they are all within like 3 miles of eachother and all i had to do was two circles. My CO2 is working good. Its started making bubbles. Im excited to see how my plant takes it. Peace:peace:


Active Member
I got this PVC glue and I cant figure out how to open the damn thing. Its a little can with what looks like a screw on lid. I tried to unscrew it but i cant. I cant find my pair of pliers either. It doesnt say anywhere on the can how to open it. i read the whole thing. TWICE!!! theres a little pic of what looks like a needle punching a hole so i punched a small hole in the top and I still cant. I know this is a dumb question. I just cant figure it out. please help.


Active Member
lets just say stealing stuff makes you a loser. get a freaking job ,you make everyone look bad your so pathetic