My first hydroponics experience, DIY bubbleponic setup


Active Member
I actually placed the order for everything Sunday and should have it by the weekend. I went ahead and picked up the 400 Watt setup from htgsupply.


Active Member
Alright guys, my light is in! I have a little worry though.

When I plugged my light in for the first time directly into a surge protector it flickered and went to a blue electricity type deal. Like an arc, pretty sweet looking! Anyways, I let it warm up and damn it's bright...but since then it won't kick on. Is there a recycle rate that has to be taken into account or something?

I plugged it in and it shows the arc but won't fully turn on whether its in the time or the surge protector. I've read a couple things that said to let it rest a while, but i've also read that sometimes its a bad ballast. I had my ballast up high but just moved it to the floor, is there any position that's best in account for heat rises/floor is cooler?

Anyways, pretty simply put...should I be worried or not? I've emailed HTG with hopes they can help, they seem to have great CS.

Thanks guys,


Active Member
Welp, it works. First day jitters maybe? haha.

Got some seeds under it now (off to the side of it so they aren't under direct light). Shall see what happens. Will get pics when I start to see a change.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Check out my 12/12 DWC from seed, it's rite below yours in the DWC section... you can also get to it from my signature.

It's a very cheap and simple set up with a low end HIDS light (250w Mini Pulsar w/ mh bulb total around $250 for inbuilt ballast + hood + bulb.)


Active Member
I got my HTG (Magnetic) 400W setup for 166 shipped with an MH Conversion as well. Wasn't aware of the brightness! Damn! No need for room lights now as the door to the closet stays open til bed time.