My first indoor grow. 3 x bubblegum sativas uder 1 x 100 w hps and 1 x 250 w mh


Ok hear it is, this is my first grow iv got givven 3 bubblegum sativa clones from a mate (chears) my grow room is about 3 foot by 2 1/2 foot and 5 foot high with a 100w1 hps and 250w mh (just old street lights i picked up from work). i got a 30cm main fan and a 10cm secondary fan on the ballests and a 100mm pc fan for extraction.
At the moment thay are 5 days into flower and 20'' tall looking good so far.
im using budzilla hydro nuets in a soil medium probley not the best but it seems to be working preety well.

Any constructive critisisum welcomed!!

BTW sorri about speeling should have stayed aat school longer. lol



Well-Known Member
Hey, if its still possible then you might want to replant them all into their own buckets. Also, is that tube for watering? If they are constantly being watered you might want to change to watering every few days instead of always watering a little. The soil drying out every now and then is good for the plant.


probley a bit late to transplant them now thay been like that for 5 weeks. will this efect them much????
thats not a watering tube its co2 gen yeast and suggar setup.


Well-Known Member
the CO2 gets absorbed by the leaves, not the roots.. you want to CO2 which is heavier than air to fall down onto the tops of your plants


yea the fan in there is quiet strong and the stalkes are verry thin and im paranoid that there goin to break