My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Sexy fucking nugs. It looked so much like Sour OG when it was growing, and now it looks just like the Skunk in the picture. Haha. The red hair, heavy frost, and a late maturity, all Sour OG traits. Sour and Power sounds good together, to bad you never had the opportunity to make some Sour Power, haha.

But is that Power Skunk by g13 labs? I think I might like to buy some of those beans. How did you feel about the plant over all during the grow? I am looking for both good inside and outdoor growing plants, mainly outdoor at the moment. I am almost 6000ft up, though, so I have high humidity and vicious insects. Right now the nights are really mild, so bitter cold isn't a concern at the moment, but come October/November it is going to freeze balls up here. So I may just have to do my last chop mid-October, and go back down the hill to a friend's house to continue my outdoor season.

One thing I love about the Temecula Valley man, I start a grow in December, and harvest until the end of February. It's fucking awesome. Over there it's like the outdoor season never really stops, just takes a 2-3 month breather while waiting for the sun to get it's shit in order.


Well-Known Member
nicework bill
all the pics are the bomb, i love your camera skills. i want to learn more photography.
oh! n the power n sour look sooo tasty...


Well-Known Member
So I made my first attempt at brewing some compost tea.

I think i tailored it to feed my plants in veg, so we shall see.

I used aged horse shit
nitozime marine extract
liquid humic acid
worm castings

Its been brewing for 24 hours, i mixed 1 cup to a gallon and tested on an AG in veg, we shall see in a few hours if it burns.


Well-Known Member
So I made my first attempt at brewing some compost tea.

I think i tailored it to feed my plants in veg, so we shall see.

I used aged horse shit
nitozime marine extract
liquid humic acid
worm castings

Its been brewing for 24 hours, i mixed 1 cup to a gallon and tested on an AG in veg, we shall see in a few hours if it burns.
Sounds good to me as long as the manure was already cooked / composted :-)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me as long as the manure was already cooked / composted :-)
I have unlimited access to aged horse manure, I have a ranch around the corner from me that houses about 50-60 horses, and they have a huge pile thats been sitting forever, I dug into the center of the pile to pull the shit from, it must have been 250 degrees in the center of the pile holy crap!! no pun intended.


Well-Known Member
Angry Cheese!

Compost solution sounds good dude, I'm jealous of the manure supply. I mean, it is only 1.50 around here for a cubic foot, but I would like to be able to walk around the corner for it. While you are waiting for results on if it burned or not, go ahead and and let it mix for the full 48 hours before bottling. Remember when using the tea you need less of everything, including your normal nutrients. Minus any expensive additives you like to use.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping i could use this tea for veg completely, I have about 5 gallons brewing, tomorrow will be 48 hours :) I know it needed the full 48 to brew, but I was too excited not to use it.

BTW foam is a good thing right??

Do you think I could use this tea for veg, and nothing else?

BTW 1 cup per gallon did not burn the plant :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I didn't wait the full 48 hours for my first batch, I used a 1/3 of it on the 24 hour mark, and then bottled the rest up the next day. Still worked great, but my plants seemed to love the aged stuff even more. The foam is good. Foam is from your manures/guano mixing with the sugar. The more manure/guano you use, the more foam you will make. I've had a pillar of foam 1ft high sticking out of my bucket once. lol

I've never used a tea by itself before, but I've been thinking about it. My tea is supercharged as well and reads out to 1280PPM when all is said and done. So I figured I could probably just dilute it 50/50 and give it a shot on a few of my extra males. Lol, I'm thinking of just sticking males outdoors everywhere this year to fuck up everyone else' crop on the mountain. Normally I wouldn't be so spiteful, but all the growers out here are fucking trash, so I hope I seed all their shit up.

I was actually on the crapper this morning when I thought to myself "I bet I can veg on just my tea alone" and then I thought "I bet I could flower with just my tea and a top booster... I think I might bust out my Biobizz pack early and start using it just for the Top Max. Fuckin' a, I love free fertilizer packs.


Well-Known Member
man that purp ch plant looks like it has thorns on it
like if you walk by to close wit shorts on you gona get opened up and bleed a little
i know just soft plant tissue but looks scary like its saying dont fuk wit me


Well-Known Member
Iv done full cycles on ganja with nothing but TEA its great stuff. The colas in my av were actually grown like this and it def works lol
I have a recipe for veg and flower that consist of bat guano's sea kelp extract worm casting and peruvian seabird guano and 1 tbls of blackstrap molasses per gallon,,, I let those brew for only 24 hrs,,, and it seems that its the jamaican bat guano is what foams the most when I brew... And foam is great :-) When your expecting foam its good to leave some extra room for it in whatever container your brewing in lol Iv had mad foam overflow before!


Well-Known Member
tea usually wont burn plants if the ingredients its made of are not hot, as in fresh crap n such. i do a compost tea for my veggies by hanging an onion sack of compost in a garbage can full of water. i fill the can n let it it set overnight to remove the chlorine then hang a bag for 2 more then drain it where i want it. made it in 5 gallon buckets too just a shovel full in the bucket n stirr a few times. pour it all over the area i want it. its all i use in the veg garden...
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