My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
I just stopped giving her nutes on Monday. Now she has just water and molasses in her res, tomorrow shegets plain water and then the last 3 days will be heavy molasses with the pumps cut off.


Well-Known Member
I re use them over and over again ;)

There is a grower on here who uses my pots exclusively ;) He has re-used them several times.
I re-use them as well, I throw them in the wash machine with a little anti bacteria soap! Might want to start making more Smart Pots and sling them while your not growing!!!




Well-Known Member

Fuck hockey ;) I found what im gonna be having J do in a few years


Well-Known Member
Sorry but Hockey is a hell of a lot more physical then that plus they Fight in hockey! Wrestling is cool though, I wrestled in HS and College. I dont miss cutting weight!
I could teach you all the rules if you like???


Well-Known Member
Sorry but Hockey is a hell of a lot more physical then that plus they Fight in hockey! Wrestling is cool though, I wrestled in HS and College. I dont miss cutting weight!
I could teach you all the rules if you like???
I wrestled too, prolly not on your skill level though. Plus back then i weighed 175 and coach would make me wrestle 215 weight class. I always got my ass kicked by the fatties, lol.

Besides I want him to be multi-talented ;) And nothing beats wrestling for conditioning IMHO


Well-Known Member
I read an article once before in Sports Illustrated that Swimming is the best cardio for the body! Your little guy is in better shape then my oldest! Like I said before your son would prolly kick my son's ass.

Wrestling is also a good starter for MMA!!!




Well-Known Member
I read an article once before in Sports Illustrated that Swimming is the best cardio for the body! Your little guy is in better shape then my oldest! Like I said before your son would prolly kick my son's ass.

Wrestling is also a good starter for MMA!!!


Fuck it, ill let him tell me what HE wants to do ;)


Well-Known Member
My buddy came over today for a bit. He is the guy who I got my CaliCon genetics from, and the Pre-98 Bubba. I smoked him out with bowls from the Bubba and the Cougar, and according to him, he said the Cougar had better taste and effect than the Bubba, which is saying a lot, since the Bubba came from him!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but Hockey is a hell of a lot more physical then that plus they Fight in hockey! Wrestling is cool though, I wrestled in HS and College. I dont miss cutting weight!
I could teach you all the rules if you like???
i wrestled as well, HS. But i agree on cuttin weight. BJJ is tough too. and alot more mental even tho wrestling is very mental too.


Well-Known Member
i wrestled as well, HS. But i agree on cuttin weight. BJJ is tough too. and alot more mental even tho wrestling is very mental too.
I only wrestled when I had too much sauce and got fired up, lol. Unfortunately my school did not have wrestling at the time I graduated.
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