My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Bill 3 times i think it took as well

McPurp good tip of course this is proven tested information -nutin else worthy of passin -true dat


Well-Known Member
great looking plant, i have noticed alot of them seem to get N over does with the eagle claws and dark green leaves, this very well could have been why it took so long to see sex on her. to much N in flower will slow down the flowering process
My fault and the soil I used, however the reason they took so long to flower IMO is because they literally had no veg time, I have noticed a trend that my 12/12 from seed plants take longer to show sex...


Well-Known Member
I forgot to let you sample the Sharksbreath I brought, it got dense and tastier with age. I have one going right now that is less than 2 weeks into flower, I might try taking a clone from it and see if maybe I can keep this one around a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to let you sample the Sharksbreath I brought, it got dense and tastier with age. I have one going right now that is less than 2 weeks into flower, I might try taking a clone from it and see if maybe I can keep this one around a bit longer.
if the clone doesnt take i would suggest a re veg


Well-Known Member
I decided today to pollinate the Grape Crush as well, reason being it has great side branching, and a shorter stretch, similar to the northern skunk, but I want to have a choice when it comes time to going through the new batches. I figured variety is a good thing right? Also chopped the main cola on Red # 3, put the last remaining nodes back in the veg box, her clones didnt take and she is the best pheno so I am hoping to reveg her.


Active Member
No fair growing that Northern Skunk in chocolate protein shakes - we better test her for steroid use. :weed:

Mine are lazy and just sit around drinking coffee (and having sex). =(


Active Member
Next thing you know, your plant will be on an infomercial at 3am flexing her muscles and giving a paid testimonial for Gain Fast. lol


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say the same thing about protein shake plant but you guys beat me to it.
the plants are looking good man


Well-Known Member
Took the funky light tree out of the bottom half of the veg box, added some fixtures to increase vertical space. Looks a lot better now.

Up Top

Nug Jar



Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good, especially that two headed monster I gave you....Loving the NS Sup Crop. Mad props for the Bajafox Jar, damn when do I get the BeKindBUD Bowl Packing Jar? I do pack mean bowls but for real nice detail on the jar Canna G!!!


Well-Known Member
I was gonna guess that's who she was, I just smoked my last PE bowl too :weed: I need to do a lot of rearranging in my veg tent, I feel like I'm wasting about 24" of vertical space all the way across

Thanks for my jar bc, can't wait to fill it up, I'm about to run dry today and no harvests for over a week so I'll probably hit up a dispensary. My favorite dispensary is delivery only and they have quite a few strains at 85 to 95 for a qtr
your should get some 30 gl smart pots and fox farm soil and happy frog and fox farm nuts u will do great i used that my firls medical grow out door and did 5 plants got over 2 pounds a plants
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