My first micro growbox ** comments/suggestions?


Active Member
Hey everybody, This is my first growbox ever!:mrgreen: Ive put a lot of time into it and there is still obviously a lot of work to be done. I'm looking for some input on what I got going,

The bottom is for veg, top for flowering, air flows in the bottom and out the top.

lights: 8x27w 5500k cfl @20on/4off

my girl(i hope) is about a month old. Just pulled her over last week to try to get some branching going.

-get some ducting and move the fan out of the box
-set up the flower half
-wire management...yikes

What do you guys think?!



Well-Known Member
Hey man, looks like you got a good set up. You could share some specifics, like what kind of venting, dimensions, etc. Also, I would look into a 150w HPS. You can read what people have told me in my thread in my sig, and they pretty much totally changed my mind from cfl's to a 150w. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Lay off the water.. Wait until there is almost no water weight to the pot before giving it more.. Also, find a way to either get the light closer to the plant, or vice versa for now until it grows or it will stretch/weaken..


Active Member
Lay off the water.. Wait until there is almost no water weight to the pot before giving it more.. Also, find a way to either get the light closer to the plant, or vice versa for now until it grows or it will stretch/weaken..

I usually only water every 3 or 4 days, when the soil is real fluffy, do you think she looks over watered?

Ill definitely throw a box under there to get her up to the light, I plan on having a mother plant all the time so longterm I'm not too worried about moving the lights up and down. The flower box is another story though.

thanks g.


Active Member
Lay off the water.. Wait until there is almost no water weight to the pot before giving it more.. Also, find a way to either get the light closer to the plant, or vice versa for now until it grows or it will stretch/weaken..

I usually only water her every 3-4 days, when the soil is real fluffy. Do you think she looks over watered?

I'm definitely going to throw a box under her when I get home, I plan on having a mother all the time so I'm not too worried about moving light around in my veg box. flower box is another story though.

After reading AsbestosToast's thread im going to go for an hps up top.


Well-Known Member
Small plants don't need to be watered very often.. In a big pot they can go quite awhile before the roots start sucking it up on a scedule.. Were those pics taken right near lights on/off? That can cause the leaves to sag on scedule for the darkness, but they should perk right back up just before dawn.. Otherwise I'd say they look overwatered.. Go by pot weight until its really established atleast.. It looks otherwise healthy, but those leaves should be erect..


Active Member
Small plants don't need to be watered very often.. In a big pot they can go quite awhile before the roots start sucking it up on a scedule.. Were those pics taken right near lights on/off? That can cause the leaves to sag on scedule for the darkness, but they should perk right back up just before dawn.. Otherwise I'd say they look overwatered.. Go by pot weight until its really established atleast.. It looks otherwise healthy, but those leaves should be erect..

Yeah lights go off at 5am, took those pics around 3 or 4, always looks a lot perkier in the mornin'

also propped up the plant and moved the lights around, hows that look?

I got rid of that ridiculous bathroom exhaust fan, added a "suncourt inductor" 4" inline fan out the back, it was only 22bucks at homedepot 80 cfm. Its loud enough that you could hear it running inside any room, since my box is inside an unused closet, no one can hear it from outside.
Now that the air is going out the window, the air intake is at ~77F and the exhaust is ~85F
I plan on getting some computer fans to push air in, gona put one over that black screen in the pic, which should blow the plant around nicely.


Do you guys think I can get away with a hps up in the top, I'm mostly concerned about the heat, and getting the plants very close to the light, since ive only got 2' to flower in

