MY first out door grow


Active Member
hhelloo all , this is my first plant ive grown ever! i smoke everyday and i just turned 18 :D, and i thought hell why not start growing my own , i have this one and ill put a link in for my other one which i have posted on here , umm i started growing this one about 1-2and a half months ago , im actualy not to sure lol , damn memory loss :( , anyways i kept it because originaly it was a very strange plant with weird leaves that intruiged me enought to let it grow , it may be a weird strain or a growth defect i really dont know , anways , heres som pics for all of yas to see and tell me what you think pleassseee i would love to comment back:peace:



Active Member
you may just be right , it sits out the back allday , im usually asleep , it may be in the afternoon shade , so i may move it to a position were it will get fullday sun , i also have to bring it inside most nites because some abbos mite coon it ahah:neutral:


Well-Known Member
were have you been growing them, in a window, were are you from?, to be growing outside. do you know there sex?. verry leggy.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt be moving the plant all over the place, plants like the same thing. everyday, like as if it was planted outside, how cold is it were you are at nite, how many hours lite is the plant getting. and same darkness?.


Active Member
yeah im for australia mate haha, the plant is outdoors all the time near the veranda. its now daylight savings and its 1 and a half months into spring so i dare say its alright , just need to put it in a position of full day light. ps its dawn at 7am and dark at 830pm:blsmoke:


Active Member
were have you been growing them, in a window, were are you from?, to be growing outside. do you know there sex?. verry leggy.

i do not no the sex but have done quite enough research i think to be able to identify it , this has long hair like things coming up from the nodes .