My first outdoor grow - White Rhino x ??

Ol' Scrumpy

I'm just worried it will get out of hand because I don't really know what to expect. Never had to deal with bugs before.
I got a recipe for an organic mixture that I'll probably try out on a fan leaf to see if it hurts the plant. If all goes well I'll spray the whole thing every time I go out to water.
My cousin swears by this stuff, so it should work. If not...screw it, I'll resort to chemicals.

Ol' Scrumpy

Agreed. I try to keep that in mind, so I go out to water first thing, before the sun comes up from behind the trees. That way, if I have to spray anything I don't have to worry about making another trip to do it. I flexed on this rule with my last application of neem oil, and I believe the yellow, cracked spots on some of the leaves were the result. I don't think there was any real harm done, but a lesson learned nonetheless.

Ol' Scrumpy

After mixing this shit up and spraying a little of it, I have no doubt it will work. Its fucking horrible smelling!

I have to go back tomorrow to see how the plant handled the spray. If it did OK I'll spray the whole thing and everything around it too.

I also cut a clone that I'm trying to get to root outside. I hope that works out. If not, I might have to let someone in on my little secret to see if he will let me use his garage to house a few clones.

Ol' Scrumpy

The fan leaf that I tested the homemade bug spray didn't look so well, so I decided against using it. In fact, I decided against using anything at all. The damage the bugs are doing is superficial, and there just isn't really that much. Mostly just the very lower leaves.

Growth is looking good, and I tested the PH again today, and it seems that the wood ash did the trick. Glad I got that sorted out.

The clone I started out there is doing really good. I honestly expected it to be dead, but it looks like it's going to make it.

Its been raining a little every day for like a week, so I don't have to water, and the forecast says it will continue to rain every day for a while, so I shouldn't have to go back until I'm ready to cut more clones, and put the one in the ground, which will be about two weeks I think.
I'll have more pics at that time.