My first outdoor grow


Active Member
Lilli.jpgLilli Top.jpgCharlie.jpgCharlie Top.jpgAudry.jpgaudry top.jpg

I started with some white widdow seeds nearly 6 weeks ago (approx) and my lovelies are getting bigger by the day - i must tell you i am trying to do things on a basic level with this being my first grow but maybe on my next one i will go into things on a deeper level.

I have a few concerns about the way things are going now and i wanted to know if anyone could put my mind at rest and let me know how things look

My plants are called Lilli (pic 1 & 2) Charlie (pic 3&4) and Audry (pic 5 and 6) - its still not certain what sex these are but i am hoping their names live up to their sex !

They started life in a window for a week until they were strong enough to go outside in a mini-greenhouse where they have remained with the odd trip out in the sun when i have been at home.

My concerns are

Audry seems a lot more developed than the other two and she is a week younger. she did have fertz a lot earlier on so i am thinking this is the cause.

Charlie and Lilli are smaller and their branches are a lot less developed than Audry so i guess i just want you guys (experts) to check things out for me and let me know if they look ok

I have topped all three plants and they have responded well with nodes popping up all over the plants.

I am tempted to force Audry into flowering as i am concerned we are running out of good weather here in the uk

Thanks for your time and i hope to hear from you soon

Many Thanks


Well-Known Member
Is Charlie a dudes name, or could that be unisex?!
Your plants look great! They will develop to the desired stage before you know it, just keep growin' steady!
I would get her into flowering too! Just let the new branches develop slightly, from your topping, and start! Realise that plants can triple in size over flowering. So keep this in mind, so you can monitor the size of your herb!

Good luck!


Active Member
Thanks for your prompt response

HA HA - Yeah Charlie can be a unisex name - i always thought it was a sexy girls name hence i used it for one of my babies.

They where topped 9 days ago so i was thinking of forcing audry to flower at the weekend.
I obviously want to be discreet about things so instead of moving her indoors each night i was thinking of setting a simple lamp setup up - as mentioned above i am trying to do things simple until i get a better understanding of the whole process so i was going to setup two desk lamps with 60W bulbs in under a loft window in my room - this should give light to all sides including the top all day and then i would cover her with a blacked out box for the other 12 hours - o you think this will work ?

At weekends i will give her time outdoors again as i dont work weekends

Any suggestions or warnings are welcome


Active Member
ok so here are some pics of the top after being topped 10 days ago

I have decided that Audry needs to be forced into flowering at the weekend but how long is the flowering period to last and can anyone confirm what nutes i should be adding and when i should stop

I have read in some other posts on a uk site that Miracle Grow tomato food is great for the flowering and that i should not use anything other than water for the last two weeks

Any thoughts on this process ?

Charlie top.jpgAudry top.jpgLilli top.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea when u say 60w u mean cfl right? incandescent light is shit. Flush w just h20 last weeks like u said. tomato food is alright fro your first grow howevr u might wana pick up some bloom formula


Active Member
Don't use miracle grow unless you have to, get some organic flowering nutrients like Earth juice or Botanicare or whatever else you can find at a hydroponic store, ask the people there about nutrients. You'll want things like carbohydrates, beneficial bacteria and other additives like humic acid and/or a bloom booster


Active Member
thanks for all your advice guys - i really appreciate it
would you expect my girls to be bigger than they are or are they looking good at the min



Active Member
It's been a realy hot day today and audry has drooped a lot
some of her bottom leaves have gone brown too
what's the best method to help her out
she deffo needs water as the soil is bone dry
any help please !!!!!!


Have you got any recent pics? they are looking good... I have 2 WW growing outdoors keep posting pics so we can compare. Thankx


Active Member
It's been a realy hot day today and audry has drooped a lot
some of her bottom leaves have gone brown too
what's the best method to help her out
she deffo needs water as the soil is bone dry
any help please !!!!!!
Water her more frequently?


Active Member
Dont use miracle grow it makes you weed taste like sh** :) Its all synthetic nastyness, go organic....get some Biobizz about £10 a litre but you only use 5ml per Litre so you end up with 500 litres of nutrients for £10 :p BARGAIN!!
Id personally chop off the brown damaged depends how bad they are to be honest. It shouldnt harm it either way, make sure you get some water to her though....maybe mist the leaves as its still pretty warm here in the will give it an extra way of absorbing fluids fast.
You could have just left it ouside today as it was BOILING lol
CFL's arent all bad....i use them for clones and veg now...and the 600w HPS for flowering. CFL's will make them stretch a bit and they will be a bit scrawney but under a high powered light that all changes.


perhaps the problem is the soil. did you use perlite in the soil mixture? it helps a lot, at least for me it did as it retains a bit more water in the soil and lets the root system 'breathe'... Hope it helped


Active Member
All - thanks to the advice of rob1941 i watered her and put her in the shade - it was an unusually hot day that day and i think she just had enough of the heat - i will get some more pics on tonight of them


Active Member
I understand all the Miracle Gro haters, but Miracle Gro will work fine man. The main reason people started hating Miracle Gro is because of the corporation running it, not because it's a bad product. With a proper flush, your weed shouldn't have any kind of trace flavors of ANY nutrients.


Active Member
some more pics coming this afternoon
I have started Audry on her 12/12 cycle as her size was starting to concern me with my limited grow space
Do any of you have any tips on using bloom
ie when to start and when to stop - i understand they just need water for the last 2 weeks but how long do i use the bloom for and how often - in every water or just every other water feed ?


Active Member

So here they are - they have all kind of caught up with each other but in different ways as expected

Audry is the only one who is on 12/12 cycle but i am going to move the other two in when i make room


Well-Known Member
hi kill3vill3,start your nutes on half the dose for the first couple of feeds,depending on the nutes you use there will be a guide on the back of the bottle.i have just put 4 ww outdoors as temps where getting to hot in my grow room,they have been veging for 5 weeks,but showing bad sighns of heat stress,so this is my first outdoor grow,but had some great smoke from my indoor grows will put some pics on soon to show you how mine are, could be good to compare pics as the weeks go on,i am allso in uk..


Active Member
loving the look of them mate - how have you made them bushy and not tall like mine - i would prefer some like yours - is that just controlled by snipping ?