My first outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
I finally have decided to grow my own bud this year. I will be growing Brown Dirts Revenge. I only have 16 plants and started them from seed so keeping my fingers crossed for as many females as possible. Any advice that you can offer that would be great. I have put them in a remay enclosure before I place into the direct sun.



Well-Known Member
be careful , tell no one , and go organic if possible or as close 2 it as possible and use quality soil . without questions i cant no whut u already kno .


Well-Known Member
Ok I will try that out. I was told that just keep that under the black thing for a few days then I can put them into direct light because if I don't they will be stunted . As for a good spot I live in very rural BC with a pond and a river near by. Several large press canarios and pitbulls :) And TONS of light all day


Well-Known Member
How long ago did you start them if you look close at the nodes you should be able to tell on some of them by now. Good Luck dirrtyd


Active Member
I suggest if you want to get away with it take them off your deck, if a postal worker or Electric company worker, religious preechers or girl scouts come around your screwed lol. But it looks like you are off to a great start if you want bigger plants i would go with some bigger buckets or place them in the ground like they were intended to grow i got a nice 12ft plant last year with a small 2x2 whole about 2 ft deep so skys the limit stay organic dont burn your plant with nutes if your going all outdoor and plant them in the ground somewhere away from your front porch, lol, you wont need to water them more than once all year uless you get a dry summer i have had plants that get rain of an inch or two every other week never be watered checked on twice once to sex 2nd to harvest and had an excellent turn around so its really all the advice i think i can give you but seems like you have very good genetics going i wish you best of luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info. I have no mail delivered here and no meter readers come I have a smart meter I also have no neighbours. Im going to transplant into bigger pots then the step after is into the earth.


Active Member
I have had a lot of luck with directly into the earth at about the 3rd real set of leaves hell i have also done strait up seed germ into the earth with great results so its all unessicary other than sculpting your babies to get big yields at early stages thats nice to controll in pots but yeah you should be fine then just be carefull if your really in BC you will most likely have no issues at all lol


Well-Known Member
i looked at my plants today and so far on the ones I can tell 4 ladies and one male I will wait a lil bit longer until I cull the male plant. Does any one know why some plants grow in a s shape. I have a plant that seems to not have a straight stem and the stem seems weaker in spots


Well-Known Member

I ended u with 10 females but pack RATS ate them! Fucking RATS!!! So I only have 6 females. So I started some more plants. They are from solar warrior "wonder skunk" The other 6 are brown dirts revenge, I had a huge problem with germination and the ladies from Vancouver Seed Bank replaced them with the wonder skunk and some white grizzly, which I started late. I wish the revenge would have worked I would have had 200 plants that were a great size by now. So the lesson I learned (again) remove all RATS from your life and your garden will flurish


Well-Known Member
Here is some update pics on my outdoor garden. We have had the shittiest summer ever in BC so growth hasn't been as good as normal
im not going to take that.... you cant let the summer get off that easy.... its been THE WORSE summer i have EVER seen. i live in the centeral int, and im PISSED. i want to move. we have like 5 days of rain and 1 day is sunlight RAAAAWARARARARA.

this summer SUCKS for sunlight. worst summer is the 30+ years i can remember.....


Well-Known Member
I too live in the interior and man am I glad I didnt put in 4-500 plants like my neighbours. I moved here to garden and so far doesn't look like a good idea. OH well there is always next year!!!