my first plant and leaves are turning light green to yellow


After buying the clone and putting it in a pot with hydroton with an aerated system with an airstone for oxygen while my plants roots stay submerged in water. I had mixed in sink water, floremicro, floragro and florabloom as nutrients for my plant. With 4 gallons of water in my bucket, I under estimated the solutions and don't why the plant would be turning yellow. Any help would be appreciated. I'm also new to the forums.



ok. i bought some nute called insta grow it is 3-0-0 <3% nitrogen> i foliar fed my girl. would it be wise for me to direct feed the roots as well???


by the way im also using 2 6500k floro light suspended in a closet about 1 ft from the plant. is this ok???


Active Member
i hope u get some answers mate, some of my clones do this and just throw em out and keep the healthiest ones, it could be over fert or maybe N deff. but dont quote me on it. so im just helping u bump this thread


well to give a little background on my setup... i am running or was running a drip hydroponic system but figured since it kept the soil wet all the time it would kill the plant by over watering then i just switched to soil and hydroton and mixed some nutes with the water. floramicro with floragro. i have 2 floro 6500k tubes. i gave her insta-gro nitrogen nutes and left for a few hours and came back and she was about to fall over. do you guys think it could have been from lowering the light from 1 ft to 6"??? please let me know what im doing wrong and/or what i can do to better the plants growth.


Active Member
.you can put any kind of flouro as close to light without burning it , the inverse square rules states that its far efficient to do so. its pritty strange though, its not as simple as nitrogen, believe me, because nitrogen deficiency is uniform and not sporadic and doesnt generally start at the apex .i rekon a combination of various deficiencies and toxicities, perhaps a iron deficiency linked with a phosphorous and nitrogen, . on closer inspection of the pic and comment, i rekon it because there just too many different nutrients from different fertilisers, switch to 1 complete fetiliser for veg stage


ok. thank you guys for the advice. i will move the light closer and as far as fert and nutes, which would you all suggest?
ok. thank you guys for the advice. i will move the light closer and as far as fert and nutes, which would you all suggest?
..Guys are right. You need to get that light as close as possible but that isnt your problem. Why do you have soil and hydroton rocks together? unecessary.whats your ph at? if your ph is off you can cause the nutes to be locked out.
Get rid of that dirt put that baby in a pot with the rocks . buy yourself some pre-mixed nute solution, water that kid by hand and pay attention to the response.


Ok. Ph level is @ 6.0 temp is at 79-81 degrees. I have a fan on in the closet that's blowing cool air not directly on the plant though. Humidity is about 45-50. So... eliminate the soil and just use hydroton? Then water by hand and mix premixed nutes in the water that I will be watering the plant with right?


well it looks like she is dying.. i will post pictures up today. maybe i should not have gotten og kush clone as my first plant.. ive heard that og kush is the hardest plant/clones to grow.