my first plant


Well-Known Member
im using schultz all purpose potting soil plus all i kno is that it has plant food in it i dont kno wat kind but its goof for 6 months. so from that can u let me kno if i do have to give it anything else???


Active Member
just water for now. After 5-6 weeks, u could give a very low dose of ferts about every 2 weeks and u should b fine.


Active Member
you want the nitrogen rating a bit higher than the phosphorus and potash so anything like 30-10-10. Thats assuming you are still vegging after the 6 weeks. as i said, no ferts for the first 6 weeks. you want ferts with high N value for vegging, higher P value for flowering. Just read up a little bit about ferts in any grow guide.


Well-Known Member
ok so i got some plant food its 10-15-10 and he/she is doing realy good can anyone tell me wat kind of strain it might be just by looking at the pictures, and if i sniff realy close to it smell a little bit already, and i still dont have anything set up for oder can some one helpp me out im thinking about makin a carbon filter would it work even tho im using cfl??? and i have another plant that sprouted just incase this one turns out male, ok back to the carbon filter can i use a computer fan ?? :weed:


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You seem like a project-oriented dude. I just built this little contraption 4 days ago. Works great so far and I have three plants in LATE flower right now. All you would need to order is the ONA unless you have a local hydro store. Soil Moist can be found at any local nursery.

All it is is 1 cup ONA, 1 cup Soil Moist, and 10 cups water mixed up in the bottom of this bucket I had. Drill a bunch of holes (works better if you have a bigger drill bit than I did :rolleyes:) then seal a little muffin fan in the top that face upwards and set on low. Done.

Pretty much an industrial size air freshener but the ONA is designed to neutralize odor. Mine has been running for 4 days continuously and smells as fresh as when I set it up. A carbon filter would be good too but for one or two plants this thing is great. For the record, this is not my original idea but can be found elsewhere on this site and others. Apparently if you use a bit smaller bucket the duct tape is not even necessary.


Well-Known Member
fan bloing in or out? and u just have it in you room or wat? and look cool might give it a try an yeah i like building things lol id give u you rep but dont kno how lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
The fan is blowing upwards out of the bucket. It pulls air in through the holes and over the ONA mixture, then blows it up into the air. I have it set up in my living room but you could put it closer to your grow room if you have space I guess.


Well-Known Member
all the stuff you have in it dont come out the holes or out were the fan blows out?? im still a little confused on how it wokrs, im a little slow lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
all the stuff you have in it dont come out the holes or out were the fan blows out?? im still a little confused on how it wokrs, im a little slow lol
LOL nah man. That cheap little honeywell fan is not that strong and I have it set on low. The level of liquid inside is about an inch below the lowest hole I drilled. And the consistency is more like porridge. The Soil Moist is little granules mixed in there that absorb liquid so there's no splashing or anything.


Well-Known Member
ok now i get it thanks alot any sites of wer i can find all that stuff , i can get the bucket and the fan and i still dont kno how to give u rep lol


Well-Known Member
hey man im using schultz potting soil plus too. Its been working perfect for me. i bouight it and with tax it came to be $4.20, so i figured it would have to be good. Heres a pic of my baby. Just been using cfls and the schultz soil and tap water. First pic was taken the day i tranplanted into a bigger pot with the schultz.



Well-Known Member
oh man thats great ur plants kinda look like mine just a lil smaller , have u added any nutes or anything else?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
ok now i get it thanks alot any sites of wer i can find all that stuff , i can get the bucket and the fan and i still dont kno how to give u rep lol
I got mine from my hydro store. There it's $20 for a quart, $37 for a gallon. Gallon is obviously better deal but you only need 1 cup per refill. Here's a site with similar prices. Ona-Gel-Fresh Linen Quart

Batman, that's a nice looking plant. When do you plan on flower? You know that sucker might get up to 3 or 4 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
update: so she is doing great and the new plant is doing good also growing alot faster than the other one was wen she first sprouted. so maybe ill wait to flower both at the same time since limited space. ok and also the roots are coming out the bottom of the bigger plant is this bad? dose it mean i need a biger pot? not sure how big the pot its in now is , help:!: heres pics enjoy

