My first real grow :)


Well-Known Member
There doing great heres some pics. The auto stretches so much! about a half inch just yesterday lol. i switched the lights another hour off last night which means im at 16/8 on my way to 12/12 an hour at a time!

The exodus cheese is just going crazy, i cant wait for flower time on her. i wanna just flip it to 12/12 now but im trying to be patient lol

i feel that my soil has no water retention so im going to add greensand or something next time.




Well-Known Member
Im excited!!! my first trichomes! im 2 weeks 1 day from pistols and in my novice opinion its looking great! lol stretched a lot since last pics.

im really excited about the exodus cheese. ive been training/lsting since the start of veg and boy has it paid off. 9+ tops that are ganna stretch like crazy i hope

that light set up is
2x68 watt
2x42 watt
4x26 watt
all 2700k on auto somango i think thats sufficient lighting for that small plant. what do you think? i just want ROCK HARD BUDS lol.

i have a seedling that is another try at mandalas seeds chill-om. the 4th time. lol its ganna stay in the little box for 2 weeks or so. then go straight to 12/12.

couple weeks till i buy the apollo 400w hps/mh cool tube! im also ganna build a diy stanley blower fan and carbon filter. excited!!



New Member
Looks right on time in my novice opinion haha! I'd say that you should change out the a few of the smaller cfls for 5k cfls or 65k if you can't find 5k.
Shouldn't be a prob for you tho. But it's pretty much a universal language that a mixed spectrum is better than either hps or mh alone!
And do you have a fan in there? I see very happy but kinda hot leaves :joint:


Well-Known Member
yea i have a few i can throw in there i will change them out tomorrow your right idk why i didnt keep a mixed spec.

yea i have 2 fans in there 1 right on the cluster and one oscillating throughout the room.

When i have the hps/mh you think i should suppliment with opposite spec cfls? sounds like a good idea lol


Well-Known Member
switched some lights around to mix specs and switched from 14/10 to 12/12. so hopefully will be seeing pistols on cheese in a week. uh im wondering what preflowers look like.


Well-Known Member
today is 3 weeks flowering for the auto somango and the first day of showing pistols for the exodus cheese. Here are some pics.

im pleasantly surprised about how big the somango is getting and how big the buds are getting too. very happy. hoping for a half ounce from auto and a couple oz from cheese. in 9 weeks of course :)




Well-Known Member
Thanks s420! im super excited for the cheese to stretch:) and yes i will keep that in mind, the lowest leaves are almost 50% yellow on her so i will remove them tomorrow. cant wait bro!!


Well-Known Member
Auto somango is looking great, bulking up but i still have no idea how much im ganna get. hoping between a qt and a half oz. from her. shes almost 40 days old so 30-40 days till she comes down. but weird i was looking at triches today and saw a few amber and brown ones. its way too early for that right?!?! let me know what you think.

Exodus cheese is growing like crazy, the day after i water her she goes crazy like CRAZY. 2 days ago she threw pistols and since then i raised the lights a couple inches to invoke stretching a little at least. she grew an inch in 24 hours and i was blown away. Shes got 12+ branches that will flower. i cant wait!

also whats your take on grow rocks at the bottom of smart pots?
im going to go with 5 gallon pots next time with rocks at the bottom. idk why lol.

tell me what ya think.

also the last picture is a plant that is super weird. idk wtf is going on with it.



Well-Known Member
There both doing swell.

somango is 43 days old or around that. so a couple more weeks and shes ready. triches are still all clear besides a couple i saw that were amber and tiny. idk about that shitttttttt. She smells soooo good. at first is was just a skunky citrus smell but now its seriously mango grapefruit and skunk. i hope it keeps that smell profile thru the 2 weeks. does flushing effect smell aroma? i touched a bud and my fingers were so sticky and smelly lol. i think im going to give her 1 more heavy feed then start the molasses flush. Is 3 waterings over 9 days enough for a flush?

Also im scared about drying her. When should i pluck her when the soil is wet or dry? Should i give her a dark period? im thinking using paper bags to dry her but sounds like it would over dry her quick. i dont have a great place to dry her.

exodus cheese is 9 days into flower and has taken off more than 5 inches since showing pistols. crazyyyy! im loving and shes for sure loving it. Im feeding her lucas formula with gh micro and bloom. adding 3 ml of protekt each feeding even with flush it realllly loves the stuff. also gave her 1/2 tbsp of molasses when going into flower. Im really over feeding her but she is loving it lol. i cant wait to chop somango and put all my lights on the exodus shes ganna love it. check the pics out!! and let me know what you think!!



New Member
A few things bro...

What's your logic in doing the Molasses flush?
I would be careful with that stuff as it's more nutritious than we give it credit for!
I OD'd with it in a good soil!
Paper bags are def. fine and won't dry too quick IMO.
And I gave my girls like 3days each without water and pulled them :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks jim!!

420, What does a molasses od look like? i actually have been giving her it 1 of every 3 waterings thru flower but only 1/2 tbs per gallon. Ive read a lot that adding a tbsp with your flush swells triches and adds to resin and flavor output on the last week. if you want i can find one of the places i read that. ganna try it this time and i have to say those buds are frosty!! lol
Thanks for the advice about the paper bags that makes me feel better lol. and that makes sense i will let the soil dry out before i pluck her!
whats your opinion on a dark period before harvest? i read that helps because light is destructive to thc.


New Member
It's basically a Sulphur toxicity bro.
Even tho the molasses say unsulphured, there's sulphur.
The "unsulphured molasses" is just produces a different way.
But leaves yellow a little harder than they should going into the final weeks.
And excess of S brings on early senescence which is when the plant starts to turn on its leaves pretty much.

I lost the majority of my fan leaves as my plant was trying to fight back. Newer, smaller ones grew in their place, which I'm sure hut the yields a little bit.
I did this by adding too much Molasses to my AACTs, and trying to use it as more simple food for the bennies(microbes being brewed) in the tea.
I was pushing and pushing until I pushed to far pretty much.
My first batch came out swell tho! All across the board! I used it HEAVILY on that batch as well bro and I've got good flavors from the organic aspect I'm pretty sure, but not just the Molasses bcuz I over did it ya know?!
I've resorted to only using about a tsp of it per gallon, just to be safe. Haven't a one prob with my second batch, and they're all about 3 weeks from Harvest!
Still TOTALLY green, and I haven't had to remove ANY leaves!

But with that said, I don't thing the M did anything special for my buds. However, I do think it did it's part in the AACTs for sure! The ladies loved em, with exception of the one that I put too much Molasses in and should've tossed.
But it'd be dope if you could post a link to where you read it!

And no doubt about the paper bags bro! Im a noob still technically yeah, but I'm trying out lots of shit just to get it all under my belt ASAP ya know?!
And I've cured 3 different harvests so far, three different ways and I'm most please with my last attempt, which involved hanging for a couple days then pulling down a little early and jarring, then burping for a day, then bagging them for the day and burping and bagging and so on...
I'm really try to get the to dry as slow as possible, but without mold so I keep moving them around!
I've noticed that the smell is lingering around ALL THE TIME with this last batch rather than going from something to nothing, then back to something again(in regards to how the smell changes during ther cure).
But the paper bags allow the buds to dry out pretty good, but not to fast. They allow the outside to get a little crispy, but still have moisture within.
You'll notice when you jar them for the night and there's much more moisture in them again, and you'll be able to bag em and burp em for another couple days!
It's been working good so far bro!

And as far as the dark period before harvest, I didn't give a couple days of dark of anything because everything is in one room flowering.
But what I did do, was harvest the plants after their 12 hours of darkness. So in the am when I turned the lights on for everyone else, I just took the plant I was gonna harvest out and didn't give it that days supply of light.
I read what you read as well and took it that I should harvest in the morning haha :joint:


Well-Known Member
That makes sense, and i will keep it to 1/2 a tbsp with my flush just for this plant. it has cal and mag in it so thats good for it.

That sounds like a perfect plan to me man. hang for 2 or 3 days to paper bags then jar then back in bags till ready to jar. i will just pull her in my room the night of harvest so i dont have to wake up early to pull her lol. i cant wait if i planned correctly it will be ready to pluck on my birthday:) hopefully trichomes will work with me. the description of this auto somango says its a very uplifting fast paced buzz so im going to let the triches go as amber as i can. haha


Well-Known Member
Looks great man. The Exo cheese is a beast. Its my first time growing it also. Was only able to find one or two videos on it and it seems they all grow like crazy. Does she smell yet? Heard about the intense aroma they give off. That auto is doing great:weed:. gl man. sub'd ill keep checking in.


Well-Known Member
hey guys! just wanted to let you guys know that i got all the ducting and hardware for the hps set up! i also won an ebay bid on a 4 inch MTN inline fan! only 22 bucks brand new but 20 bucks shipping too. so 42 bucks for a 100 dollar inline fan? SWEET! next is carbon filter, then 400 watt cool tube!. cant friggin wait till the set up is complete and i can always have my closet door shut. lol