my first REAL indoor op


finally got my tent setup about 2weeks ago.... just getting around to taking some pics.... its a cheap ass ebay tent (4x4x6), with a 430cfm can fan sucking air from the light, up through the attic and out a carbon filter... (fan/filter combo from htg supply).....

the three larger ladies some of you may remember from my other thread, (problems with my hijack).... it seems that the issue is under control now, and from the looks of it, bugs were mainly to blame for my headaches... plants are looking alot better now, though you can still see alot of spotting/leaf damage that was done..... the girl in the bottom left was the worst, she lost most of her leaves, but continued to flower like a champ; earlier than the rest for some reason aswell... she is about a month into flowering, the rest are at about 2weeks of 12/12..... im excited as hell about the next grow already:hug:



i was finding leafhoppers everyday for a few days..... havent seen a bug, (besides mosquitoes) in 4days.... also killed a budworm that was just starting his little web inside my hijack:fire:


question for you fdd....

the one hj that is well into flower... it has been outside next to the other two for its whole life.... yet it has been flowering despite the light.... ever had one do this to you??? i am hypothesizing that it freaked out from the bug infestation and tried to flower before it died... no clue though


Well-Known Member
question for you fdd....

the one hj that is well into flower... it has been outside next to the other two for its whole life.... yet it has been flowering despite the light.... ever had one do this to you??? i am hypothesizing that it freaked out from the bug infestation and tried to flower before it died... no clue though
i have never seen that. mine all turned around.


i have never seen that. mine all turned around.

im rather happy about it.... just means i'll be tastin some crunch berries sooner than i thought:lol:.... it has amazed me though... despite how shitty the rest of the plant looked/looks; the bud formation/growth has been spot on.... seems like this hijack wants nothing more out of its life than to produce some quality smoke:eyesmoke:


how are the plants doing gogrow? I'd love to see some pics

they still look like shit.... at least the hijack does... the rest are ok. im doing a lil work atm, and they are sleeping; but if i manage to get home before lights out tomorrow, i will surely take some pics.... or if not, maybe i can get my wife to do it for me if she is home... kinda busy with the new job now:-(


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad to hear that the new job is going well at least dude. It's all good if you can't get the pics up, food on the table and a roof over your head is much more important. Whenever you get the time to put the pics is cool with me buddy :-P


Well I'm glad to hear that the new job is going well at least dude. It's all good if you can't get the pics up, food on the table and a roof over your head is much more important. Whenever you get the time to put the pics is cool with me buddy :-P

i'll find the time.... if you dont see pics, then that means i havent seen them:-(... bout to change my timer ahead ANOTHER hour so that im SURE i'll be home in time to see/take care of them everyday.... tomorrow bro


Well-Known Member
Sounds good dude, I'll be here. And by the way, what size HPS are you using? I don't think you mentioned it


Well-Known Member
320 watts of HPS but I wanna upgrade real bad. Only problem is money and heat. The two most important things when getting a new light lol