My first scrog attempt


Well-Known Member
Oh...a question. Should I veg for a week before 12/12?
What if I already gave her a dose of 'Open Sesame'?


Active Member
hello, what stands out the most is how late in the game you started your training if you truly want to scrog training starts early on in veg first week or two,the idea with scrog is to train your plant to grow under the screen in a way that you create many more
growth sites,in addition the screen is better set 6 to 12 inches from your grow medium i would suggest sometime during the next three weeks of the stretch to add a second screen because as mentioned your going to get pretty crowded in their.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! I will add a second scrog and start training earlier on next batch.
I really hope youve already flipped to 12/12, thats going to be way overstuffed if you havent
My last plant in the tent took way longer than anticipated. 12 weeks of 12/12...and its a hybrid.
This girl was waiting patiently for her turn in my little tent, but grew...and grew...
Will see what happens.


Active Member
if i could suggest, look into lst( low stress training) i do this during veg starting when their about 8 inches tall i bend her strait down and attach the main stem lower than the rest of the plant,soon after all the other branches start growing like crazy,as they grow attach wire to the branches & spread them out so she grows kinda flat like a bush,a lot to cover in one comment but this method yields the most in a small space the lst sets the stage for an amazing scrog.


Well-Known Member
They are looking great man! looks like they are nice and healthy with lots of bud sights. Make sure you've got good air flow above and below the canopy to prevent moisture buildup.

I would suggest counting your time differently. It's a common mistake to start counting flowering time once you switch the plants to 12/12 lighting, then when the plants are 7,8,9 weeks in people post pictures asking if its done. They get told no it needs 2 more weeks, and they get confused since they let it flower as long as the seeds said to.

It takes time for the plants to transition from veg to flower, it doesn't happen over night. I strongly advoke beginning your flowering time once the plant actually shows you signs of the beginning signs of flowering. Then let it go for the amount of time the breeder recommends and see how it looks and smokes. 9/10 times this is going to make you a much happier grower because you are prepared for the correct length of flower for a mature plant.


Well-Known Member
It always surprises me that so many new to grow folks say I didn't expect.... or this is taking longer than i expected. One of your greatest chances at having a good grow is to do diligent research on any strain you haven't grown. Every new strain I grow I not only take the time while preparing for the grow to research height, yield flower time but also ask around and google nutrient requirements. then take the evidence and formulate your own grow map. Afterwards keep a log on a thumb drive, encrypted of course if you are in a state where its not legal and when you regrow that strain refer back to your notes and make improvements. With a little research you could have surmised that your net is usually about 8 inches above the medium and you train from there. Hopefully you are prepared for a greater yield because with a good scrog grow and proper lighting and etc you could get upwards of 12 to 16 oz easily. Not trying to be a dick but just remember the 5 p's. Proper planning prevents piss poor performance.


Well-Known Member
In 2 days (Wed 1/16), she is 6 weeks since her first sign of flowering.
Tragedy struck in the way of spider mites but am going to fight it out.
I have used various concoctions to eliminate them. What has worked best is ladybugs. I dumped 150 of them into my 2x2 tent. It was a last resort but seems to be working.
Here is current pic....IMG_20190114_171953.jpg IMG_20190106_172310.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Final update:
After the battle of the mites(thanks to Mighty Wash), and temperature control, etc ..
My dried/trimmed/cured final weight from this plant was just over 1/4 lb.

I had hoped for more even though at one point I was tempted to trash the plant.

I have received great reviews on the taste and potency of it but very low marks in aroma. It has very little smell to it which I attribute to temerature control.