My first setup, whats wrong? whats right?

I'd like to get any tips and/or critiques of my setup. Thanks in advance.

Everything is done in soil, watering every 3-4 days based on need. With various strands in each room.

In VEG room I have a 1000w MH lamp 18hrs on 6 off. 4 x 6 room. As you can see in the pictures they are quite big, should be quite a decent yield. A few of the ladies had powdery mildew on them, at least that what I assumed. I attached a picture of that if anyone cares to see. I think I have it under control now.

Flowering room is 5x6 1000w HPS 12 hours on 12 hours off.

I honestly am not too ashamed of how the first flowering room is coming along. Please give me any input on how they look. all of them are between 4-6 weeks in the pics labeled Flower 1-6.


I have an additional question for my next batch. I am going to increase my VEG room a little under double the size that I have now. What would be a better setup, 2 1000w hps with 1 1000w mh in middle or 3 1000w hps?


Well-Known Member
It's better to veg with MH if you have them... a lot of people just use HPS all the way through. But the higher spectrum is more beneficial for the veg stage.
Using megabud nutrients on half of the flowering plants. Noticed huge difference just 3 days after 1st water, mainly MUCH larger hairs than the non nutrient ones. But this is not really what I wanted. Hairs don't really mean much right? I want crystals baby! Should I see more results later on? From what I have read I only water with the advanced nutrient megabud 2 times.


looks good not sure what you are expecting what genetics are you growing you might wana try new genetics.
looks good not sure what you are expecting what genetics are you growing you might wana try new genetics.

In Flower room 2 of each of these

xj-13, blue dream, og, afgoo, sour grapes

In veg 2 of each of these

socal master, bubba, dream queen, blue dream, skywalker


Active Member
Whoa there pardner ,imho, i really think you would be better off using t5 fluorescents ,to veg with ,they are cooler ,far less energy hogs and because they are cooler you can stick em almost directly on top of the plants to get better tighter internodal spacing ,ru cloning at all or is all this strictly from seeds or clones u are buying,i dont know how much head room you have in your flower room but you are gonna get around 30% more height from your plants so try to keep those girls down to a manageable size maybe 28-36"(4-5 weeks on most strains) then stick em in your flower room ,this is where the hps pays off and yeah i tried to do all kinds of strains at once but master one or two , figure out the nutes and pay attention to the plants ,they will tell you what they need and having only one strain keeps em all about the same height and you also know what strains will be more prone to hermi.'mold etc. quality should always come before quanity your plants look real good ,i just think i would devote most of those resources you have to having a kick ass flower room............jah love


Using megabud nutrients on half of the flowering plants. Noticed huge difference just 3 days after 1st water, mainly MUCH larger hairs than the non nutrient ones. But this is not really what I wanted. Hairs don't really mean much right? I want crystals baby! Should I see more results later on? From what I have read I only water with the advanced nutrient megabud 2 times.
I read some study somewhere that directly corelates hair length to thc production. I'm not sure how well this study holds up but if I were you I'd be happy those hairs showed up.
thats a cracking set up ! nice and clean.If you want those nugs to fatten up i would use both mh and hps for veg,i see you have an air cooled hood as well to get the lights closer.You may want to get some pk 13/14 in to the girls in the flowering room i swear by it and the nugs get really fat. Peace
Here are the latest pics I have of flower room. all ladies are within 3 weeks of being done. As you can see in "flower6" I am using string to pull back some branches to get the lower buds some more light throughout the cycle.

Still looking good to you all? thoughts? critique me please!!


Those girls look great ! Well done.I enjoy doing a sea of green with my clones especially if i use my 1000 hps. Given the space you have i would suggest you try it,you can flower clones at around 15 days of veg or even 10 days(about 5 or 6 inch tall).I used big bud by kc brains last time and ended up with just over 8 ounces dry from 4 plants. Peace and respect.