My first shot at a grow.


Active Member
Here is my log of my first attempt to grow the herb superb. I am posting here because I am growing under CFL's. I will try and post faithfully on all the things I learn during this project. I will attach pics when I can. The first pic is my grow box. It is a standard kit furniture storage cabinet in white. I am using 4 26W 6500K CFL's on a 24/7 on schedule for the vegetative stage. Pic 2 is just a shot of the interior of the cabinet showing the arrangement of the lights. The last pics ar just pics of the "girls"(hopefully!) as they look today. This is a bagseed grow for our first attempt. I have no idea of strain or lineage. The weed the seeds came from does produce a nice high though so we is hoping for the best.

The seed were germinated using the standard damp paper towel method. They were placed is soil (Fox Farm Organic) on 3-27-09.They are now between 4" and 6" high and as you can see from the pics they are vibrant green and healthy. If the smell coming off them now is any indication, we should be enjoying some fine bud shortly. Other items:

Food: Schultz's Liquid Plant Food 10-15-10.

No need right now for forced ventilation. Odor is not a problem right now but I am ready with fans etc. We live in Minnesota and heat is just not a problem right now. Maybe later this summer..... Avg temp in the box is 78 degrees with 45% relative humidity. Again not optimal but the plants are thriving. "If it aint broke.......".

Any questions comments crticisms etc are always welcome.



Well-Known Member
Wow plants looks really really good. Remember when Flowering your gonna need to push like 250+ watts (2700K bulbs)of lights for a decent result. Other than that Plants look very healthy and stocky which is good. Hope they are all girls!!


Well-Known Member
Hey riff..Nice stuff bro! +rep :) That last photo you have there, Is that recently topped? I just did mine is why I asked.


Active Member
Well the babies are 30 days old today and as you can see from the pics are looking vibrant and healthy. Some updates to my operation:

1. Constructed a second grow box. I intend to start a continuos harvest type of grow. Cabinet1 for vegging, cab 2 for flowering.

2. Ordered some feminised seeds from Nirvana in the NL. Strain: Aurora Type: Indica. I intend to use these should I get all males or hermi's from the bagseed grow I am into now.

Both boxes seem to have stabilised at 74 deg F and 45 to 50 % relative humidity. The plansts seem to be doing ok on this so no adjustment necessary at this time.

No signs of stress or insects, molds or fungus. The plants smell wonderful with heavy skunky undertones.

Feeding and watering every 3rd day.

Thats todays update. So good. As always questions and comments are welcome. I am thinking right now that I am going to begin flowering/sexing them in the next 2 weeks. Any ideas on a good vegging stage time frame? 4 weeks? 6? 8? Have a great day and keep em flying!



Active Member
Hi Folks,

Big update for today. Many changes in the operation, new pics.

The "girls" are 1 month old. They began to stress, wilt and curl a little and generally look like shit a day or so ago.

I did some research here in the forum and found that they were prolly sufferin from lack of room. I checked and yes they were showing signs of becoming root "bound".

So I said to myself "Self. What the F is u gonna do to make this right?" re-engineer and transplant the babes. The first pic shows the new box I built out of the 2 smaller ones I was trying to work with. The new box is 2'Wx2'Dx3'H 12 sq feet total. Ventilation is provided by 1 5" PC case fan located center upper on the back. The fan is rated at 40 CFM and is very quiet. Lighting is 4 26W 6500K CFLs for vegging stage. I have 4 26W 2700K CFLs on hand for flowering. Circulation in the box is provided by an O2Cool mini desk fan I found at Lowes for 10 bucks. It can run both AC and batts so it is pretty cool. It has 2 speeds and HIGH :-) seems to provide good circulation and imparts a nice "wiggle" to the plants for those strong stems needed to hold the big buds. Box has stabilized at 75 deg F at 49% RH. Ideal eh? The girls remain on a 24/7 on lighting schedule. Front and rear of the box are covered in 1 mil reflectorized Mylar film. Sides remain the original bright white of the original boxes.

The second pic shows the interior of the new box and the "girls" in their new homes. Dont they look yummy?

The Transplant:

As I said before they were showing definite signs of becoming root bound. So.....
4 3 gallon nursery pots
1 Large bag of Fox Farm Ocean Harvest potting soil.
4 Clear plastic saucers for the nursery pots.

Plants were transplanted today at around noon. They were fed with Schultz's 10-15-10 liquid plant food.

As of 3:45 PM CDST they are all showing signs of improvement.

Pic 3 is a better shot of the plants themselves. They look pretty good to me.

Pic 4 is a pic of one that I "topped" about a week ago. It is nice and bushy and showing plenty of potential bud sites. I am not quite sure if I will top the others or not. I am wait and see on this for now. You can see her in pic 3 in the back right pot.

Where 2 next?

Well.....good question. I think i will let the 3 tall ones hit the light again(another 6-8") and put them into flowering mode. Plant height for the tall ones will be approx 18-22". I hope that is an ok size to begin flowering....

Will switch to a bloom specific feed at that time and swap out the lights.

My 12 on 12 off sched is ON 7 AM to 7 PM. That will give me time for maintenance in the AM before I go to work and PM after I get home so I wont disturb their dark period.

Well.....I cant think of anything more to report. Good luck to you all with your projects and I wish you mellow buds and happy trails.........Riff

