My First Stealth Grow!


Active Member
alright but i will be checking the ph now, and i also have invested in recipe for success starter ferilizer kit. do you know anything about that kit?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to read 3 pages of whatever, so here goes;
It just looks like light burn.
I'm guessing you had the light about 1"-2" away.
Just back it off like 1/8"-1/4"
If your soil has "Dolomite Lime" mixed in with it, then don't worry about pH.
Dolomite Lime naturally neutralizes pH to 7.0.(Neutral)

Oh and when your plants get bigger, you'll see spots like that all over the place.
It won't matter unless it gets worse.

I know nothing about kits,
just get an organic combo of
Vegetative/Growth/Leaf fertilizer. These usually have a really good balance of N-P-K with a higher Nitrogen level.
Flowering/Bloom/Flower&Root fertilizer. These are usually more unbalanced and have a lower Nitrogen and higher Phosphorus(P) / Potassium(K) levels.


Active Member
Yeah that was my second guess and Naw my soil doesn't have that in it but hey I bought the stuff so might as well use it now haha


Active Member
Day 6
1-Side View
2-Top view
3-Just a closer look
Day 6.jpg6.jpgIMAG0183.jpg
** now i now everyone keeps telling me im fine but as a new grower i just worry i dont want my plant to die i want it to look beautiful with good bud, but should i be worried if the new leaves coming up have the spots on them also??**

i dont know if you can see it in the photo but when i look close i can see spots on them. or im just freaking myself out haha


Active Member
Day 7
1-Top View
2-Side view
7.jpgDay 7.jpg

Yellow spots
1-Yellow spots on second leaves
2-opposite side
yellow spots 2nd leaves.jpgyellow spots 2nd leaves (2).jpg

Still dont know what these spots are but they keep showing up on my leaves, is this bad? should i be worried.

What should i do??? Help???


Active Member
when now? i thought i had to wait another week before giver it nutes

If your going to have a successful grow you have to read the plant a little....The spots are the plant eating itself.....feed her, not full strength......or watch her suffer another week because some chart says so....


Active Member
OK, I know you want the best for your plant. Maybe you should click on the link in my signature and see if I know what the hell I'm talking about....................................................................


Active Member
Its hard to take it easy when your little babies are in the shit but take a deep breath , Your growing in soil and its very forgiving when you over fert & over water if you give it enough time to recover it will be fine.
It’s a process of eliminating each problem that it could possible be, Have a look at other grow set ups to get a few idea's and pick up some more info.
Does the soil you have them planted in already have nutes in it? If not then I would agree with Mr Natural put a tiny bit like a drop or two or if you have a pip measure
something like 0.05ml into your ph'd water and give it about 4-5 days to see if this has any effect. Move your light away from the plant if it’s too close this could be burning the leaf. Good luck


Active Member
Does anyone know how to raise RH im at about 50 but i want about 60-65 i already have a cup of water that i change out every couple days but thats just keeping me at about 50. i dont have much floor space to put anything else down, when plants a little bigger and i dont have to raise it up with VHS's i could possible add a second cup but idk.

if i were to turn on my side inttale fan and turn off my outtake would that help at all? or is that a bad idea....


Active Member
oh and by the way i plan on starting nutes today when i get out of work, im going 1/4 strengh and seeing how my baby reacts.